Of Facebook and Big Brother…

So, Slashdot had a posting discussing the new changes on Facebook, which many of you use frequently… As many of you noticed this morning when you logged on to change your status, there’s a new “feeds” feature that really ramps up the stalking factor to a whole new level… Personally, I didn’t really care that much, besides the fact that I can’t seem to find a way to disable it.

Well…apparently more than a few people are rather annoyed about it, pointing out a variety of privacy issues…according to Slashdot, though, many “protest groups” have formed, the largest of which has 10,000 members… I link to CampusProgress.org and a student homepage at some university I’ve never heard of (University of Mary Washington, anybody?) as examples of just how irate some people are over the changes. A few quotes from the latter link were kinda amusing, regardless:

“When we join facebook, we automatically give up a little bit of our privacy. To use Facebook has always been ‘socially-acceptable stalking.’ Now, though, they’ve just gone too damned far. No one wants their girlfriend or boyfriend knowing when they’ve commented on a photo, written on a wall, or anything else. No one wants people to see that they’ve left a group; it could offend someone. No one really wants to see the change in status of someone’s love life.”

And from the CollegeProgress article:

“A Facebook profile now displays your online social exploits since mid- August. It notes when you wrote on someone?s wall, and when you commented on a photo, along with other new details such as your responses to event invitations, your new friends, and what groups you join. Before, as many of us know, you could write on a wall in relative privacy. It could be a sneaky affair. And commenting on someone else?s photo was something that few would notice. Wall and comment communications, while public, were not advertised.

Now, every time you do anything on Facebook, you issue a bulletin for all of your friends. Now no one will miss the fact that you think you look horrible in a picture, or that you didn’t accept an invitation to someone’s event, or that you wrote what you considered to be a funny item for your list of activities (‘Trying not to incriminate myself on facebook to all my future employers’) and then thought better of it ten minutes later and took it down.”

I dunno…personally, I figure that if you’re posting this kind of information on Facebook in the first place, you’re just asking for trouble…but at the same time, I can understand where problems can and will arise. Needless to say, I’m a). glad I’m not in college anymore, and b). glad I’m married.

Any thoughts?

7 Replies to “Of Facebook and Big Brother…”

  1. All I can say is…facebook is stalker heaven. Someone’s gonna get truly stalked/raped/killed because of this crap. Sounds extreme, but seriously, it’s happened with other blog-type stuff (like xanga).
    Meh, I guess we’re all asking for it though.

  2. Here is the thing-
    It’s not like this is our university doing this- or our government. The Facebook is something you have to sign up for, and everyone seems to be talking like it’s a right we have. It’s their buisness, and we are patrons. We ought give input- but to act like we’ve had some right infringed is just crazy.

    Also- I don’t like the changes all that much- I like the way it looked before much better. And, Andy, as of last night one of those groups you talked about had reached 110,000 members. That’s a lot of people

  3. Hahahahaha…you seem to be rather hung up on this, dude… 😛

    Yeah, I know the connection to Universities or the government keeping a close eye on lowly undergraduates is rather far removed, but at the same time, I thought that CollegeProgress blurb had a few good points, specifically with reference to who leaves a group and who is now “single”… Which, again, doesn’t really affect me personally at all…but I can see how some people would be rather annoyed…

    Think this will prevent new members from joining? I kinda doubt it…but it could detract a few… I wouldn’t care nearly as much if they allowed you to disable the feed…so if you wanted everyone to keep updated on your life, you could allow it… Right now, I think anyone within your network can see all this stuff…and that’s a lot of people if you’re in the St. Louis network…

  4. from your profile, you can “hide” a particular “story” about yourself. however, this means you have to go back to your own profile after every move you make and delete the “story.” i personally hate the changes, but wouldn’t care if i could opt out of the feature.


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