Score one for the Catholics…

So, Tony sent me this link from FOX News…ironically… Apparently, an astronomer from the Vatican has said that Intelligent Design has no place alongside evolution in the science classroom. He’s the highest-ranking Catholic to make such a statement.

a). FOX News finally put out some useful information that isn’t conservative in nature.
b). The Catholics apparently aren’t completely incompetent in leadership as previously believed
c). Now, we just need to get the Catholics to admit that open communion and women in the clergy are alright and we’ll be making some progress…

Hey, it’s a step in the right direction, right?

One Reply to “Score one for the Catholics…”

  1. “God in his infinite freedom continuously creates a world that reflects that freedom at all levels of the evolutionary process to greater and greater complexity,” he wrote. “He is not continually intervening, but rather allows, participates, loves.”

    That’s cool.
    In my defense of catholic bashing, he is a jesuit- one of the ‘good’ catholics.
    ‘good’? maybe, ‘better’

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