Dunno ’bout this…

Don’t get me wrong: I’m going to see it when it premieres next May, and most of the pictures that have been released recently look pretty sweet…but this one of the bridge is kinda worrisome…

The crew itself looks good in the parts…but that bridge…is…a bit bright…? And…colorful?

Here’s another picture, while we’re at it:

4 Replies to “Dunno ’bout this…”

  1. you know too much about it, and are too into it, to ever truly enjoy a reproduction designed to please the masses.

    maybe I’m wrong.

  2. You are probably right…doesn’t mean I can complain about it.

    I’ll be there opening day, don’t get me wrong, and I generally like J.J. Abrams productions…and furthermore, I’m all about “revitalizing” the series. It’s just that, at the same time, I want to make sure that the greatest Sci Fi franchise of all time (“Star Wars” can suck it) is treated with the respect it deserves. Pretty sure Abrams will do alright, but who knows…

  3. Yeah- I think you have every right to complain about it. I do think it looks pretty fancy, and will probably be enjoyable. At the same time I can’t wait for your review of the movie, in which you list all the little things that bugged you so much you couldn’t sleep. 😉

  4. Nathan knows you (and your silly obsessions) pretty well!

    When is this supposed to be coming out again? I don’t have to keep track of it because I know you will.

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