10 Items That Make You Think You’re Cool, But Don’t…

I wish I could take credit for this, but sadly I can’t… Little Sister Kristen sent this along to me and, she’s right, it’s pretty friggin’ funny…

A few highlights:

#3: Guitar Hero

WHY YOU THINK YOU’RE COOL: Dude, this game totally rocks! I love this song! Hell yes! Welcome to the Jungle, baby! You’re gonna diiiiiiiiiiiee!

WHY YOU’RE NOT COOL: Despite what the commercial says, you do not suddenly turn into Slash when you’re playing this video game. You are playing a child-sized guitar that doesn’t even have strings. It has multi-colored buttons and an on/off button. And playing this video game does not mean you can play the guitar now. If I have to hear someone say “I can totally play ‘Anarchy in the UK’” but actually mean “I can totally play ‘Anarchy in the UK’ on Guitar Hero,” I am going to take a pee inside the nearest PS3.

#1: Funny Ringtones

WHY YOU THINK YOU’RE COOL: A ring tone is a great way to give strangers and coworkers a little peek into your personal life and let them know that your grasp of pop culture is vast. You’re pretty sure that having a silly quote from Monty Python or the Transformers theme song as your ringtone will make those around you realize that you are a the guy everyone else wants to be. There is definitely more to you than meets the eye.

WHY YOU’RE NOT COOL: Having your phone play Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy” just makes you look (and sound) like an asshole. And the fact that you let it “ring” 15 times while you stand there and look around for reactions to your hilarious little joke not only reeks of desperation, but it makes everyone around you want to cram that phone up your taint. Put it on vibrate like every other normal person and keep your witticisms between you and your collection of Star Wars figurines.

One Reply to “10 Items That Make You Think You’re Cool, But Don’t…”

  1. Although it’s not cool to pretend that you can actually play guitar by being good at guitar hero there are some good aspects. If you can play well on expert and you know how to play the real guitar, it can improve your rhythm (if you don’t already have good rhythm). If you can play it on expert, it also means you have wicked hand-eye coordination.
    But maybe I’m just biased cuz I can beat the game on Expert and I think I’m cool….
    at least my mom says so anyway….. :-p

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