Political Compass

So, on Facebook, some of you may have added the “Political Compass” application… The problem with this thingie is that it gives you 10 questions, all of which really only determine your political views based on social issues, rather than financial. As in, it’ll ask you about abortion, but nothing about “fiscal responsibility,” a traditionally conservative issue (not so much in today’s political climate, of course…).

Brooke shot me a link (from Liz?) to the real Political Compass, however, a separate website with 6 pages of many different questions that have a bit more range. Here’s how I fared:

My political views...

Here are how other political figures are depicted to fall on the graph:

Everyone else...

Needless to say, I’m rather glad I’m on the complete opposite side from Bush… 😛 The other interesting thing is that Brooke and I had different answers for some questions, yet we still fell in nearly exactly the same place…

So yeah, if you do the survey, lemme know how accurate it is for you. Personally, I think I’m in good company…

Yet, I do take exception to the “Right” being “Neo-Liberalism”…

5 Replies to “Political Compass”

  1. Neo-Liberalism, in this case, refers not to the political sense of the term, but rather to economic liberalism, a la Adam Smith.

    personally, i think political scientists and economists need to sit down and decide not to use the same words for completely different concepts.

  2. Here’s my problem with this…you are in almost the same spot as the Dalai Lama. And that just doesn’t seem right.

    I miss you Sassy : )

  3. Yeah, this one is a much better quiz.

    Your political compass
    Economic Left/Right: -0.25
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59

    I was basically the same as you on the libertarian vs authoritarian scale but I was sitting on the Y axis on the other scale. So I obviously have one thing to say to you Andy – Take an econ class you dirty commie.

  4. Heh, you and I are almost exactly the same, Mr. Linsenbardt — I’m one unit further to the left than you, though.

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