An Adventure…

So, Brooke and I went to Best Buy tonight and bought the new Audio Adrenaline album, “Adios” (their last one, apparently). While we were there, we found some $6.99 movies.

We bought “Wayne’s World” and “Adventures in Babysitting.”

Oh yes. We’re watching 1987’s greatest movie starring Elizabeth Shue, Vincent D’Onofrio, Bradley Whitford, and Penelope Ann Miller.

Could life be any better?

2 Replies to “An Adventure…”

  1. Yes it could. You could get 3 DVDs for 14 bucks with your employee discount. Take that, sassy (I miss you)

  2. Isn’t there a funny line/quote from Adventures in Babysitting…. something like “I’m the babysitter..” or something?? I can’t think of it….

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