Suck it, BP…

So, I watched “The Daily Show” tonight…Jon Stewart was kind enough to point out some information that came out today based on the quarterly earnings of BP (British Petroleum):

Last quarter, BP made $55,000 in profit.



Seriously. wtf?!?!

For those that don’t know, a “quarter” lasts 3 months, and there are 1440 min in a day, 43200 in a month, and 129600 in three months. Multiply that times $55,000 and you get approximately $7.1 billion in profits.

Can someone please explain to me why I’m paying $3.05 a gallon right now?

4 Replies to “Suck it, BP…”

  1. It was 2.89 in Columbia last night yet. But I agree. I heard the figures for BP profits yesterday too. And Midland, TX (Bush’s hometown) is apparently experiencing a wonderful boost in their economy too. Stories of fairly high paid folks, quitting their jobs to get a six figure job working the oil wells. And sales of SUV’s in Midland are up!

  2. I’m surprised they didn’t use Exxon’s profits, since they were second highest profits ever recorded. They were at over $10 billion. thats about $78000 a minute.

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