Review: Thank You For Smoking

So, Brooke and I saw “Thank You For Smoking” last night for $1 each (cheap tix night…w00t!) and, believe you me, it was worth full admission price…

The movie was about Nick Naylor, a lobbyist for “big tobacco” who is constantly battling groups from all sides, whether it be cancer victims, congress, or his family.? Honestly, throughout the movie, it’s rather difficult to see who the filmmakers are really making fun of: tobacco companies, congress, hollywood, journalists…even bad parents…

Regardless, the movie was hilarious…and one of the few I’d consider to be really, really “smart”…meaning that it was thought-provoking on many levels, and not on the levels you’d expect.? In the end, it was a great movie…I may even get the DVD when it comes out…? If you can, you should go see it…