Review: King Kong

So, first off, if you’re sitting there reading this and haven’t seen “King Kong” yet, get up off your ass and go see it ’cause it’s one of the best movies of the past few years and seeing it on TV won’t do it justice…

Now, on with it then… I was a little worried about this movie for a few reasons. First of all, I really liked “Lord of the Rings” and wasn’t sure how Peter Jackson would do with a different movie entirely. Secondly, on TV, the previews looked impressive, but the digital effects looked slightly fake… Finally, the movie’s 3 hours long. That’s a long time to sit through a movie. And what could Jackson possibly fill up the movie with when the original, which he was basing his story on, was closer to half that?

Well, my fears were shortly laid to rest. This movie was incredible in every way. The effects looked awesome on the big screen; only the scene where the crew was chased by dinosaurs was relatively fake looking, but it still worked. Actually, it was crazy how real Kong looked in all the close-ups between him and Naomi Watts (and there were a ton). Also, it was definitely a long movie, but it still felt generally right. There were a few points early on where there was some character development that I didn’t feel was necessary (between crew members…most of which ended up dying…), but I dealt with it. And Jackson certainly stayed true to the original. There were quite a few scenes where I thought, “Hey! That’s exactly how they did it in the original…but damn, that looks better…”

The movie really brought out emotion throughout. The scene with the giant insects made me cringe throughout…the fight between Kong and the three T-rex’s was exciting, and the whole last 30 min spent with Watts and Kong was extremely sad…knowing what has to happen in the end, that is.

So yeah, basically, “King Kong” was just about perfect. How often can you say that about a remake? The movie had top-notch acting and dialogue, it had funny parts, it had exciting parts…and the ending was really sad… There was foreshadowing and even some social commentary thrown in. A damn fine flick that you all have to see.

Spend the $7 for a ticket and 3 hours at the movies. It’s well worth it.

3 Replies to “Review: King Kong”

  1. I did feel that all of the attacks by creatures were stretched too long…kinda were like oh come on how many time could they face those odds and live…I mean dinosaurs, insects, giant monkey…bats etc. Still a great movie.

  2. you used the word ‘throughout’ twice- in consecutive sentences.

    And.. I’m a little confused, but I think I got what you’re trying to convey… you hated it. right-o?

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