Review: Doom

So, I got to see “Doom” tonight…and no, it wasn’t all that terrible. Of course, I was expecting the movie to be one of the worst I’ve seen all year, so anything better than “terrible” is relatively good.

Overall, the flick was pretty slow in the beginning…some kinda jumpy moments persisted throughout, but there wasn’t as much action as I’d hope early on. Anyway, everything picked up in the second half, so that was helpful.

A few other points… The acting was mostly terrible, but that was to be expected. The special effects were pretty good, overall. There were a few real plusses to the movie: a). there were a few surprising twists and turns toward the end, and b). the “first-person shooter” camera style (as in, you watch the action through the eyes of the protagonist) only happened one time and not for the entire movie (which I was afraid of).

So yeah, in the end, it’s worth seeing, especially if you’re a video game fan. The scenes, etc. seemed to be right out of “Doom III,” which was refreshing. I don’t think I’ll be buying the DVD, but it was still a decent movie…certainly a lot better than I expected going in…