Nintendo Revolution

Wanna see the controller? Here it is:

Nintendo Revolution Controller

Nintendo Revolution

And here’s an article about it….

Think of the possibilities! You can use the thing as a fishing real/baseball bat/hockey stick/etc. in sports games…you can use it “Minority Report”-style in strategy games (pointing to a location on a map, zooming in, moving units, etc.)…and for the first-person shooter folks, you can use the controller as a gun (there’s a trigger on the bottom side), use it as a sword, etc. The possibilities are almost limitless!

w00t! Xbox 360 can suck it…

2 Replies to “Nintendo Revolution”

  1. You gotta read through the article. It describes how the game works in certain applications, for example, in “Metroid Prime” for the Gameboy Advance… There’s also a picture there (that I didn’t post) of an attachment for the main controller that is of the “traditional” joystick-style.

    I’d like to note how the wireless controller comes with the system…unlike the Xbox 360, which comes with a wired controller for $100 more… 😛

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