Review: Casino Royale

So, I haven’t seen many movies in theaters recently… Before “Marie Antoinette,” the last movie I’d seen was “Pirates of the Caribbean 2,” and that was months ago… I guess I just hadn’t really been excited to see anything that has come out, until now that is…

Casino Royale” is, as you know, the latest movie in the James Bond film franchise, and features a “back to the beginning” story along with a new Bond, Daniel Craig. The idea is that our hero is given “Double ‘O'” status for the first time and is investigating an organization that is funding terrorism, centering largely on Bond’s duel with the main baddie in a high-stakes game of Texas Hold ‘Em at the Casino Royale. There’s a lot of action involved and Craig seems to be involved in more “active stunts” when compared with Pierce Brosnan… At least, I believed this guy was very believable in the role, and isn’t a guy you’d want to be in a bar fight with…

Overall, I thought the movie was quite strong. It isn’t simply a “good Bond movie;” it’s a good movie, in general. Daniel Craig brings a very refreshing feel to the character, still being suave and sophisticated, yet a bit rougher around the edges. Personally, I think he makes the “James Bond” character more believable. He isn’t relying on gadgets nearly as much, limiting the video effects and props a great deal, in the process serving to get rid of distractions from earlier movies. We get to delve into the character, not all the shenanigans that come along with it.

The story was pretty strong, but got a bit confusing at the end. Granted, it’s a 2.5 hour long movie, and there wasn’t much “wasted time,” but there were still lots of elements kinda thrown together at the end, tying up the loose ends, etc. Don’t get me wrong, the story was still very good…I just think the ending could have been wrapped up a bit more “cleanly.”

So yeah, go see it. You won’t be disappointed. Daniel Craig is a bad-ass and, as in the tradition of “Batman Begins,” this re-invention of the franchise is well worth your time.

2 Replies to “Review: Casino Royale”

  1. Sweet, I wasn’t sure if it would be good or not — but I value your opinion and will make an attempt to go see it.

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