As the date above implies, I took these pictures awhile back, but given that I was still working on vacation posts, I waited to put this one together. Ah well.
Overall, the garden’s looking pretty good! These pictures are taken from after we did some weeding of the middle of each plot and the edging, as well as mowing the lawn, so things were looking good at the time. Since I took these, the plants have just gotten larger!

The kale is starting to slow down, but Brooke dehydrated and powdered about a pint of it this past week. We’re still working on it, and Calvin’s going out and grabbing leaves occasionally for Barnaby. There’s quite a bit out there, yet, and as of now, it hasn’t “gone to seed,” so we probably have a few more weeks left.
It helps that we had 5″ of rain last week. I only had to water the garden a bit in mid-May, but since then, we’ve had some consistent rain that has helped maintain the leafy stuff longer than we’d normally get.

Brooke’s also been picking some green beans this past week, though we haven’t gotten a ton of them yet. If anything, it’s been rather disappointing, only a few handfuls thus far. She noted that one of the rows she planted appears to not actually be green beans, but some other kind of flat-pod variety? She’s probably going to plant some more next to the sweet potato plants, in another plot, to extend the growing season and get us some more.

The pepper and tomato plants are bigger now, though we don’t have a ton going on there as of the past few days. There are a few good-sized green “slicer” varieties, but nothing that’s been ready to pick. The cherry tomatoes look pretty close to being ready to pick, so within the next week or so, we’ll probably start working on them.

A few days ago, I had still only seen some flowers on these. Again, we probably planted too many of these in close succession, but at the time, we figured a few of them would probably die off and we wouldn’t need to worry about it. Apparently we were wrong?

This is the plot that looks the most different from the pictures taken on June 24 and what they look like today. Those zucchini plants are gigantic and flowering, so we’ll have some zucchini as soon as this week. The sweet potatoes are also quite a bit bigger than that. Just beyond them, there’s dry grass clippings trying (poorly….) to limit growth of weeds, and that’s where Brooke’s probably going to plant some more green beans.

The potatoes look pretty good! I’m still unclear on whether the carrots are doing much in these bags, but the leaves on the potatoes portend good things to come. Brooke was thinking that they’re probably close to done, already, so we may be digging those up in the next week or so, as well!

Aaaaaaaaaaand, the bees… The middle hive died, likely with the bees within not accepting the queen they were given. The northern hive looked good enough last time Brooke got in there that she added a super, and last time she looked, it seemed as though the super was getting pretty full, so we think <fingers crossed> we’re actually going to get some honey from it this summer!
The southern hive, on the other hand, still had bees, but when Brooke looked, she couldn’t find much evidence of brood. She ordered a queen (and a few “attendants”) for around $50 that were shipped via USPS to us, and she added the queen to that hive. If the existing bees “accept” her, then hopefully that hive will turn around, though given the state of it, the likelihood we’ll get much honey from that hive is minimal.
Still, if this works, it’ll give us more confidence to try similar things in the future, adding new queens to existing hives in an effort to revitalize them.

The “herb garden” is doing its thing, especially with bee balm that’s attracting mostly bumble bees. The chives continue to come back (year after year) and the basil that Brooke planted is doing its thing.
You can see a stalk of lettuce growing upwards in the background. It’s really the only plant we’ve had successfully take off this year, so that’s the one we’ve been relying on for ham and turkey sandwiches. Still, always nice to go outside and pick something fresh before adding it to lunch!

And last, but not least, Brooke’s “fresh cut” flower bed. We’re still fighting with the weeds growing in this raised bed, but it’s been a bit more manageable with the bricks we added to separate it from the rest of the yard. The zinnias are lovely and Brooke’s been getting bouquets each week. She also planted some sunflowers in the beds – they aren’t ready yet, but they’re getting taller every day.
Pretty typical of our “mid-summer” garden status, with the exception of the green beans. The weeding is in full swing because of all the rain we’ve had, but that’s a good problem to have!