Garden Update: 04.27.19

We have been gone every weekend for the past month and a half, so thankfully, our first weekend in town for that long ended up presenting us with a beautiful (albeit windy) day.

As you can see, we’ve got some lettuce coming up in the new raised bed, though they aren’t growing as fast as I’d like. The radishes and spinach in the plot further on in the frame are moving along a bit nicer, especially the radishes. I haven’t put any grass clippings between rows yet, but for now, we’ve been able to keep the weeds out by hoeing between.

Brooke picked up some strawberry plants at Stark Bros two weekends ago, so she planted them in the plot we’ve been using for sweet potatoes. I’m sure we’ll still plant some in a few weeks when we inevitably get some plants from my Aunt Marie, but we can put them just about anywhere. The strawberries are all varieties that should start producing in June, but realistically, we’re talking about next Summer on that front. We’ll see!

Other than that, we haven’t planted anything else. Tomatoes usually go in the weekend of graduation, which is next week, so that’s probably next on the list. Brooke did plant carrots in another plot, but we still haven’t seen anything pop up from them.

We did, however, start another project yesterday…

We’ve been talking about moving the gardening implements out from the garage to a small shed closer to said garden. This year, we finally pulled the trigger. The plan is to put a patio in the back yard sometime this Summer, so this was a good trial run to work out the kinks. Brooke ordered the stuff (sand, pea gravel, bricks, shed…) from Lowe’s and it arrived this week.

Brooke took care of this part last night while I was at a school function, so that sped things along for this afternoon pretty well. The Rubbermaid shed was relatively inexpensive, though it still didn’t go together as easily as we’d like. It took a bit to figure out where to put the screws and how to get the thing assembled properly. We ended up having to find one of our own screws that was long enough to hold the wall down to the floor of the shed, but other than that, I think it turned out alright!

We’ve got the garden tools, some of Brooke’s plant pots, and a few other small trinkets in there now. We’ll need to pick up a padlock in the near future, but other than that, it’s all done! As we were putting the thing together on the pad Brooke built, we realized we need to caulk the bricks a bit to hold them in place better, as the pea gravel and sand shifts enough that pushes the bricks out just a little bit.

Onward, Summer!