As we’re heading off on vacation soon, I figured I should put up an update on the garden, so if the Squirrel Apocalypse takes them, we remember what all our crops looked like…
Overall, everything appears to be coming up pretty well and some of the plants (notably the green beans, tomatoes and peppers) have some flowers on them. The cucumbers are starting to vine out a bit, so by the time we get back from the Grand Canyon, I expect them to have taken over the yard… The green beans look great as always. I’m pretty sure we could plant those in sand and rocks and still have them grow, as we always seem to have good luck with them (despite my hard work at killing them off…). The corn keeps on trucking, albeit inconsistently.

Again, the tomatoes are starting to get some buds on them, so hopefully we’ll grow some sooner than usual. We aren’t focusing on soup beans much this year (we still have some from last year and we always end up with more than we need), so they’re just planted in two of the corners of this plot. Most of the tomatoes should end up being “paste tomatoes,” though we’ve got some “slicer” varieties planted, too. Hopefully we won’t end up with any weird varieties, but we had to transplant a few “volunteers” from last year’s plot to fill some holes of plants that didn’t make it. We’ll see!

The green peppers have finally taken off in the past week. We got some rain (1.5″) earlier this week and I’ve been watering them , so they’re looking better. The lettuce is doing shockingly well still, but we expect it’ll be done by the time we get back. We ended up getting quite a bit of lettuce this year and I think Brooke’s going to plant another round when it starts to get toward the end of the season. She comes home from work and grabs a few leaves for her sandwich every day. Like ya do. 🙂

This plot is still kinda a mess, now that the mint has almost fully taken over… There’s lemon balm in there still, as well as a random orange flower that came back from last year that I can’t identify (and/or remember). There are a few other flowers in the northern portion of the plot, but they’re already dying off. A volunteer sunflower from two years ago has popped up recently, too…

We’ve got raspberries! Not a ton, but we ate a few last night and there are still some on now. The pole beans are vining appropriately and the sweet potatoes are truckin’ along.

And the trees. Still lots of apples and lots of peaches, but still no cherries or pears. We didn’t expect almonds, though we did see some flowers on there over a month ago. The peaches are looking especially good, so I hope they make it!
That’s it for now! The harvest will be plentiful, as usual…as long as the squirrels leave it all alone…
Wow your peach tree is insane!! Gonna choke out whatever is next to it. That’s awesome. All looks great! Somebody has a green thumb in your house 😉