Meet Calvin

calvinCalvin Andrew Linsenbardt (or “Cal,” as he will be called) was born on Monday, September 23rd at 3:54 am.  He was 7 lbs, 13 oz and 21-1/4″ tall.

Compared with Meg, this delivery was remarkably easier!  We had to induce Meg at 10 days post-due date to get her out, so the delivery was very difficult for Brooke and took a good 3-4 hrs of pushing.  This time, Brooke was able to do it without induction (though still got the epidural) and only ended up pushing for 9 whole minutes.  Craziness.

Regardless, Calvin is doing well and Mom and Baby are resting at the hospital (while I rest at home with Meg, who needs to go to school tomorrow).  As I will likely get the better night’s sleep, I suspect it’ll be my duty to entertain him tomorrow while Brooke gets a bit of rest.

Happy to help, of course.  He’s cute like his big sister. 🙂

2 Replies to “Meet Calvin”

  1. do you suppose that is a personality difference already showing through? I still say Meg was waiting for my birthday on the 6th and just didn’t like being hurried……………….

    Enjoy the differences……….

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