Last week, Google had a few announcements, mostly some hardware (Nexus 7) and software (Android 4.3) refreshes. But the “…and one more thing…” from this particular session was a new device called the Google Chromecast.
In short, it is only slightly bigger than your typical USB memory stick, but instead of USB, it uses HDMI (the interface your cable box uses to connect to your television). Instead of a memory stick, it’s a mini receiver that is capable of taking instruction from Android and iOS devices, along with the Google Chrome browser. From your phone (or tablet), you can open up Netflix or YouTube, find the content you’re interested in, then click the “Cast” button to send that video feed to your television. After that, the Chromecast maintains the connection and you can use your phone (or tablet) for whatever you want. You can even leave the room, or the house, and the connection will be maintained.
To be fair, while this is a neat feature, it isn’t necessarily “revolutionary,” at least, so far as I’m concerned. I mean, my PS3, my Wii and my toaster can play Netflix at this point. Why’s this device so useful?
We use Hulu quite a bit to watch various shows, but it requires you watch it on a laptop or desktop. Any web browser that’s built-in to a PS3 or Wii is blocked from displaying the content. What’s worse is that Hulu actually has a TV-targeted solution in Hulu Plus, but for some crazy reason, the shows that you find on regular, web-based Hulu aren’t available on the paid Hulu Plus service. They’ll tell you it’s because of content deals with producers who want to keep that content off televisions (unless you’re using cable to view it), but that’s increasingly becoming a ridiculous argument as more and more people cut the cord and focus on internet-only solutions.
Anyway, back to the Chromecast. This thing allows you to take a Chrome browser tab and transfer it to the Chromecast. This means that, so far as Hulu is concerned, you’re still using a bog-standard Chrome browser while you’re watching, and it doesn’t realize you’re using a television to do it. Genius.
And it totally works. You need a reasonably decent computer to do it (my Chromebook is capable, but needs to have video quality scaled down a bit), but it totally works.
Overall, the Chromecast has been reviewed quite positively, largely because it works pretty well (with a few quirks), but also because it’s cheaper than alternative solutions. The device sells for $35, though I got in on a promotion (that lasted less than 24 hrs…) where each purchase got you 3 months of Netflix streaming, even for existing subscribers (a $24 value, bringing my cost down to $11).
Hopefully other Android apps will gain functionality (Google Music also works, but I don’t tend to listen to music through my TV very often…), but seriously, $11 (or even $35) is worth it to get Hulu onto my TV. Brooke appreciates it as well, as we’ll have a newborn in a few months and watching our shows on my PC in the dining room isn’t the most comfortable of options. Getting to sit on a couch in the living room is a much better solution.
It’s pretty cool and I’m glad it works. I’m sure I’ll have more to report on later, but for now, if you have any interested in getting web-based content beamed to your television, this is arguably the most cost-effective option available).