Here’s your link of the day… Dr. Macarthur pointed out a church satire news site,… In it you’ll find lovely news articles, such as “Warren to buy Saints, build Purpose-Driven Field” and a section devoted to “Bald Men Only“…

A good way to waste some time, methinks…

3 Replies to “”

  1. So, I want to know how come you didn’t notice that Brooke went shopping and left the car running?

  2. Now see, this is a story I could have blogged about, and didn’t… 😛

    The Scion runs pretty quietly, and I _thought_ I heard something, but assumed it was another car…foolishly…

    It’s still her fault, though…regardless… 😛

  3. ummmmmmmm….. so now you need to blog about this since there is obviously a story there… Maybe Brooke should blog about it so we get the true story

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