Top 11 signs Dubya thinks he's president of a college fraternity

From Too Stupid To Be

11. Encourages minions to run three miles in 100 degree heat then taunts them as he rides his bicycle.

10. Greets interns by letting one rip.

9. Refers to everyone only by the nickname he has bestowed.

8. Should have been gone after four years, but he just won’t leave.

7. Amasses enormous institutional debt throwing private parties for his friends.

6. Cheats to secure a second term.

5. Resorts to belligerence rather than admit a mistake.

4. Has summers off.

3. Encourages others to perform community service, but only shows up for the cameras.

2. Smart kid provides him answers using a hidden audio transmitter.

1. May be kicked out of his house before the end of term.

5 Replies to “Top 11 signs Dubya thinks he's president of a college fraternity”

  1. that’s hilarious. and simultaneously terrifyingly accurate.

    so anyway, you need to get up here some weekend already. loser.

  2. …probably because it’s the top eleven… I hate you, Stuart… 😛

    For the record, I posted it mostly because the things on there shouldn’t be funny…yet are largely true… (well…minus #11 and #10…I can’t confirm those …but all the other ones are true…)

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