Current TV

Many of you heard about Al Gore, et al. purchasing a TV news network last year and developing a news channel developed at younger audiences, known as Current TV. Yahoo! News says that the channel is targeted at “Internet-savvy viewers 18 to 34 years old” and features “professionally produced segments and viewer-produced videos running from a few seconds to 15 minutes in length,” known as “pods.”

I’m very happy that there’s a new channel out there (although, we don’t get it in St. Louis, sadly…) providing news to a youth-targeted audience. Many people my age get their news from the Daily Show more than they do from any other source…this is great, ’cause it’s an awesome show, yet it still leaves much to be desired. Also, and perhaps more important, this station will have a more liberal bias than all of the other 24-hour news networks.

…let the games begin. šŸ˜‰

4 Replies to “Current TV”

  1. Andy Andy, you are so disillusioned. The COO is a former Rupert Murdoch executive. Al Gore states “We have no intention of being a Democratic channel, a liberal channel or a TV version of Air America.” Oh, and the best for last, “Rupert Murdoch right now is the biggest contributor to the possible success of Current,? says John Higgins, business editor of Broadcast and Cable magazine.” Keep holding out…

  2. Whatever Gore says, I hope it is indeed a “TV version of Air America”…cable needs another liberal voice besides John Stewart to actually tell the truth about politics and fight against right-wing fundamentalism that FOX News, etc. has been building up… šŸ˜›

  3. Ok, so according to this week’s Time Magazine, Current’s success does indeed rely on the unfortunately conservative Murdoch, but only because he is letting the channel have a chance on direcTV, but he also lets about 50 million conservative Christian channels air, so I guess he figures one liberal channel won’t make much of an impact. Anyway, Time’s article this week is pretty good, but I don’t think it gives Gore enough credit for what he’s trying to do (and you should all read the section on 13 year olds…it’s very enlightening for those of us who will soon be dealing with these kids very closely!).

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