A brief tutorial in temporal mechanics…

So, as an avid “Star Trek” watcher, I’ve been introduced to the idea of going backward and forward in time, and the effects of each on the present (in the case of “forward,” not very much…). For example, at a relatively early age, I realized that in “Back to the Future Part II,” Marty goes to the future and sees himself (and meets his son), but this is impossible because he wasn’t there to live out his life (because he left the “present” to go to the “future”…), thus producing a paradox, of sorts.

Now comes along “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.” The premiere episode was on Sunday night on FOX, and the second one was on last night (I haven’t watched it yet…). The first episode takes place in 1999, in between the movies “Terminator 2: Judgement Day” and “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines,” which take place in 1991 and 2004, respectively. For “Terminator 2,” Judgement Day (i.e. the destruction of the human race by the SkyNet computer) was to take place on August 29, 1997 – in “Terminator 3,” that date is moved back to July 24, 2004.

Well, at the end of the first episode, they jump forward through time from 1999 to 2007, thus negating all of “Terminator 3.” Never happened. The timeline adjusted itself such that Sarah and John Connor were non-existent between the years of 1999 and 2007. So, if John and Sarah were successful at stopping Judgement Day in 1997, but weren’t there in 2004 to stop it, wouldn’t Judgement Day have already happened (if they jumped to 2007)?

Alright, so this brings up another point: if the machines (in the future) are sending back a Terminator to take out John and/or Sarah Connor, the second that Terminator is sent back in time, the machines should know if they were successful. That is, if nothing changes where they are, then the timeline was not averted and they need to send another one. If things did change, they wouldn’t know about it because they would never know they ever had the problem: things would just be as they always had been.

So, if you really wanted to take out John or Sarah, and you know your Terminator wasn’t successful, why not send another one to the same time point to get two Terminators after them? Or, for that matter, why take out John Connor when Sarah’s around to protect him, when instead you could go after Sarah’s parents and prevent Sarah from ever having a child (or existing, for that matter).

I think, in the end, machines are just stupid. And they need to stop meddling with the space-time continuum, as they obviously don’t know what they’re doing.

That, or the writers of the “Terminator” series should get a hold of a brief tutorial in temporal mechanics…

Couldn’t have chosen better myself…

Yeah, I’m sure we all remember Knight Rider…and how David Hasselhoff drove a lovely Pontiac Trans Am. Well, they don’t make Trans Ams anymore, meaning that the production staff of the new made-for-TV-movie-and-hopefully-new-show-pilot coming out next year didn’t have a car to use.

Well, it was recently “leaked” that the car being used (and announced officially shortly?) will be, indeed, a Ford Mustang Cobra GT500KR. Please note the red lights on the hood of the car…

Yeah, baby… 😀

Hott K.I.T.T. picture

Couldn't have chosen better myself…

Yeah, I’m sure we all remember Knight Rider…and how David Hasselhoff drove a lovely Pontiac Trans Am. Well, they don’t make Trans Ams anymore, meaning that the production staff of the new made-for-TV-movie-and-hopefully-new-show-pilot coming out next year didn’t have a car to use.

Well, it was recently “leaked” that the car being used (and announced officially shortly?) will be, indeed, a Ford Mustang Cobra GT500KR. Please note the red lights on the hood of the car…

Yeah, baby… 😀

Hott K.I.T.T. picture

So true…


You know, normally, I’d be rather annoyed by the on-going Writer’s Strike, especially for the reason(s) outlined in the final panel above (click on it to actually read the thing…a bit small above, eh?)… However, considering that I’ve needed to study for the past, oh, month, it’s been more on the “tough love” side of things…giving me little to do at night except read through a paper.

On the other hand, now that I should be done with studying (for the most part) this Wednesday, I’ll be looking for things to entertain me… I’ll get most of that from “Super Mario Galaxy,” as I’ve put off buying it until after my Prelim (so I wouldn’t be distracted), but at this rate, I won’t have new TV shows to watch until, oh, March… (Thankfully, I have been promised new episodes of “Monk,” “Psych” and “Stargate: Atlantis” beginning in early-January. I hope those episodes keep coming and don’t disappear after a month or two…)

Mixed blessing? Perhaps…

Your TV writers @ work…

While I hate not having “The Daily Show” to watch every night, due to the writer’s strike, this video helps put it in a bit of perspective…perhaps better than I’ve heard it explained before… This video was made by “Daily Show” writers regarding the strike…~4 min long…

Arguably, it’s a good thing that “The Daily Show” isn’t on, otherwise I’d have to watch it…instead of study for this silly Prelim……


Yeah, so The Daily Show has a new site, apart from Comedy Central… Now, there are free videos from the past 8 years available, and searchable. If you want to look up all interviews that Jon Stewart has had with Bill Clinton, have at it. If you want to look up all the classic “Even Stevphen” sketches, they’re there.

Above, I’ve got the best Lewis Black “Back In Black”…it’s well worth it…especially because Starbucks is about as evil as Microsoft…

Anyway, check out the site if you want…actually, check it out anyway…whether you want to or not…

A good weekend for one and all…

…well, hopefully… 😛

So yeah, Yanela was out of town at church this weekend (our Worship Leader), so I got to run the show this weekend…and as I got to be in charge, I got to recruit the people I wanted to…and Mom and Kristen got the call (Dad, you would have too, but you don’t play the recorder all that well…sorry! ;-)). Brooke played bass (of course), I played guitar, Mom played piano and Kristen sang. We did some old songs and some new ones, all of which seemed to turn out pretty well! Thanks, family!!

Otherwise, Mom and Dad left on Sunday (after a lovely brunch at Norton’s…great place…we should go again sometime…), and then Kristen, Brooke and I tried going to Fast Eddie’s in Alton, IL. This place, apparently, Alton Brown went to in his “Feasting on Asphalt” show on the Food Network. Well, they’ve got really cheap eats and a nifty biker atmosphere (where I don’t exactly fit in, needless to say…). And, they were rather packed. As in, not a seat available in the house. And a long line for food. And lines of people watching for empty tables. We ended up leaving, unfortunately, so we’ll have to try going back some other time. We ended up just going to Joanie’s (after we tried going to Ferraro’s Pizza…which wasn’t open, dammit…).

We went to the zoo the next morning, saw the penguins (w00t!), and then Kristen went home… And today, of course, we’re back to the real world…

Guess I’d better prepare my lecture for this Friday… I’ve gotta shape young minds!

Edit: Oh yeah, and by the way, the Kansas City Royals have a better record than 9 other teams in Major League Baseball. Just wanted to throw that out there…. 😛

Bear Grylls vs Les Stroud

So, does anyone watch the Discovery Channel? If you do, you’ve undoubtably seen advertisements for one of their latest darlings, Man vs. Wild, hosted by Bear Grylls. The premise is that Grylls is dropped via parachute in places like the Scottish highlands, a glacier in Greenland, or the deserts of Mexico (amongst others), and he has to survive until he can find his way out. He finds water to drink, eats spiders, and builds shelters, and shows his viewers what they need to do to stay alive.

Now, we’re now in the second season of this show (on Friday nights at 10:00 pm, I think), and we only started watching it because of Les Stroud.

Stroud hosts another show, “Survivorman,” which was originally on the Discovery-owned Science Channel, then appeared on the Discovery Channel last year in reruns… It’s very similar to “Man vs Wild,” but with a few differences I’ll get to shortly. Thankfully, while the show only lasted one season, it’s returning on August 10th to the Discovery Channel! Brooke and I are excited…

Anyway, here’s the thing: Stroud and Grylls are both very capable, but while Grylls goes off with a camera crew, Stroud goes alone. He carries 50 lbs of camera equipment with him (and a pocket knife!), sets them up along the way so he can tape himself walking by, then backtracks to pick it up again. Stroud doesn’t do anything stupid, because he doesn’t have a camera crew with him – Grylls will jump down a waterfall to show you the “safe” way to do it, but in reality, the “safe” way is to simply avoid the waterfall altogether. He can only do it because there’s a group of people with him in case he screws up.

That, and Grylls will do things like drink his pee to retain water. Stroud never does that – he would instead extract water from nearby trees or harvest it from a contraption he built to catch dew in the morning… It seems like Grylls has a bit more “shock factor” than Stroud cares to (i.e. not quite as based in what I call “realistic situations”…).

And that’s where the controversy begins. Last week, I happened to have Letterman on and he brought up some “questions” that are being asked by a news organization in Britain. Apparently, having that camera crew with you has its advantages, like allowing you to stay in a hotel, or having an accompanying survival specialist do most of the work at crafting the raft that gets you off a deserted island.

These are questions Brooke and I had from the beginning of the show… We don’t have these questions with “Survivorman,” however, as it’s quite obvious that no one is with the man for 7 days. We also like the fact that Stroud mentions that he doesn’t like killing animals, “but if you’re in a survival situation, it’s all fair game” – Grylls, instead, makes no such mention and seems to revel in catching a rabbit (or turtle) and killing it on camera. Stroud isn’t preachy about it at all…we’re just glad he mentions it briefly and moves right on…

Anyway, you ought to check it out…both shows…see what you think. This week is Shark Week on Discovery though, so neither one is on (but Les Stroud is hosting!), but next week, you can catch reruns and new episodes of each. “Survivorman” is the superior show, but “Man vs Wild” is still entertaining…

Anyone ever watch these shows? Besides Brooke? I’m sure no one cares…just had to get it out there… 😛


“Has any human being always been there? As any scientist always been there? Who’s always been there? God! Who should you always trust first, God or the scientist? God!”

The quote above came from a guy speaking to a stadium full of young children, asking the kids questions and having them yell responses back. And yes, they were the responses you expect.

So, Crooks and Liars, an admittedly left-wing blog, highlighted a documentary on HBO called “Friends of God.” Sadly, as I don’t get HBO, I haven’t seen the documentary, but Crooks and Liars linked to a downloadable video (“right-click” and choose “Save Link As…”) of a 7 min section of it that is a bit disturbing to me. I mean, these are things that I knew were going on, but to actually hear and see it is…well…”disturbing” is the only word…

The scary part is, and as this video highlights, what the kids are being taught, and how they’re being taught to think. One kid says he wants to get a Nobel Prize becoming a Biochemist and working for the Institute for Creation Science. Sure, a noble pursuit (hah! so “punny”…), but at the same time, the blindness that I see in the next generation is frightening. Another teenager referred to how “one-sided” public education is, and there is some definite truth to that…but at the same time, if the sides were reversed, would it be any different? Shouldn’t the separation of church and state be protected?

I guess I’ve tried telling myself that “things will change” once the current generation in power ages on, and once my generation and later ones take over…but things like this make me think it’ll be more of the same. And it’s not something I look forward to…

Chekov for Majority Whip!

From tonight’s episode of “The Daily Show”:

“This President has listened to some people, the so-called “Vulcans” in the White House, the ideologues. But you know, unlike the Vulcans of Star Trek who made decisions based on logic and fact, these guys make it based on ideology. These aren’t Vulcans; there are Klingons in the White House…But unlike the real Klingons of Star Trek, these Klingons have never fought a battle of their own. Don’t let faux Klingons send real Americans to war!

— Rep. David Wu, (D) – Oregon

You know, I very much enjoy Star Trek analogies, but seriously…this is the floor of the House of Representatives. Even I wouldn’t try that…and to come from a Democrat, no less…not helping us keep the majority, yo…

For the record, Jon Stewart then followed up the blurb by interviewing Leonard Nimoy (“Spock”) and George Takei (“Sulu”) about it, and it was quite hilarious…

You can watch the video here!