Garden Update 2013


Last year, a lot of time was spent turning up sod in the back yard to make room for a garden.  Thankfully this time, as the work was mostly done already, it was a bit easier to stay organized in turning over the soil every few days, pull weeds early and get the garden prepped for some vegetable growing.

One substantial difference from last year, though, is that we had grown chickens this time.  And, by the way, chickens like to eat sprouts coming up out of gardens.

So while we got started pretty early with the garden, the chickens were making it difficult to get anything going.  Thus, we spent a Sunday afternoon building a run for the coop, just in time for the green beans to pop up.

Can't get my garden now, can you?
Can’t get my garden now, can you?

The coop has the side-benefit of allowing us to leave them loose on hot days.  They can come out in the sun, they can stay in the coop, or they can go in the shady underneath.  But, most importantly, they can’t get into the garden.

The green beans are probably looking the best out of everything we’re growing, though we’ve got some tomatoes starting to show up and some buds on the green peppers.  We haven’t had the best of luck with peppers in the past, but I’m hopeful this year we may actually get something out of them.  Our neighbor grows a metric ton of peppers each year in pots and his seem to work just fine…dunno what our problem is…

Green beans on the left, peppers and tomatoes on the right, and soup beans surrounding everything.
Green beans on the left, peppers and tomatoes on the right, and soup beans surrounding everything.

The soup beans are the ones the chickens kept going after.  We had the fence up around the garden like last year, but the chickens simply laughed and jumped right on over…and ate every sprout that came up.  These plants like vining, so it would have been nice to have a fence there for them to cling to.  Now, they’ll probably just move out into the yard.  Either way, at least we’ll still get some soup beans.  They’re just a bit behind because of needing to re-plant multiple times…

I’ve been saving grass clippings and dumping them between the rows to help limit weed proliferation.  For the most part, it seems to be working, but as our yard is pretty small, we only get enough grass to go on a single row each time I mow.

In another month, hopefully our little urban farm will start providing a bit.  Eggs, green beans (ug…), green peppers, tomatoes, and soup beans (for the Winter…) sound pretty good for living in South City!

July Garden Update

The midwest is still going through something of a drought, and while the weather has certainly improved since having 10 consecutive days over 100 F, we still haven’t gotten much rain.

That said, the garden and chickens have mostly survived.  With regards to the garden, the peas stopped producing about a month ago.  I think we ended up with more peas than we got in Iowa last year, but not by too much.  We’ve been getting green beans for the past few weeks as well, likely getting somewhere between 10 and 12 pints-worth (Brooke has canned 8 pints thus far).  There are still more coming on, but we can already tell we won’t get anywhere near the (proportional) amount we got last year in Iowa.  Same goes for the tomatoes.  You can see in the picture above that the plants on the left are considerably smaller than those on the right.  The right-hand ones seem to be a “cherry tomato” variety, as they’re pretty small, but still taste pretty decent.  The ones on the left are the romas, the variety Brooke prefers using for canning.  Sadly, while we’ve got some on there, it sure doesn’t seem like we’ll get all that many.

Aside from beans and tomatoes, we’ve still got a good number of green peppers coming on, as well as some squash and cucumbers.  Brooke’s having to water the garden somewhat often just to keep things alive, and we’ve got a good deal of weeding to take care of sometime.  I guess, considering the weather this summer, we’re pleased with the amount of stuff we’ve gotten, but it’s still a difficult shift from last year’s bounty.

The chickens aren’t laying eggs yet, which is quite disappointing, though not terribly surprising.  Last year, the surviving chicken didn’t start laying eggs until right around now, but it’s also worth noting that chickens generally don’t like laying eggs in crazy hot weather.  I’m checking every morning to see if they’ve started laying, as the weather has cooled a little bit, but no dice yet.  Believe you me, I’m ready for some fresh eggs!

They’re nice and fat now, though, and they enjoy running around our yard.  We probably still need to clip their wings again, but aside from one (brief) escape attempt from the large, white chicken, they’ve been pretty content to stay in our yard.  The extreme heat has kept them in shady spots, though, so they tend to stay put.

Regardless, it’s a far cry from last year’s haul, but we’re making do!

Who’da thought?

As Brooke is out of town most of the week, I’m generally left to my own devices, yet I still have to tend the garden.  My Mom frequently reminds me that she finds this baffling and amusing, as I’m probably the last person she ever thought she’d see gardening.

Especially green beans.

I’m somewhat notorious for my dislike of green beans.  To be fair, I have found them progressively more acceptable in my old age, but they are still the last vegetable I could ever want to see on my plate.  That said, getting them fresh from the garden, and somewhat “crispy,” is probably the best way to have them.

Mom picked some beans last week, amassing not quite an ice cream bucket full of them.  While she was picking, she pointed out which ones were probably good enough and which ones should stay on for another day or two before picking.  Using her imparted wisdom, I picked green beans for the first time ever, so far as I know.  We had some beans last year, but if I recall, Brooke picked them every time.  As you can see above, I ended up with almost two buckets full this time, and we’ve got quite a few more ready to pick in another few days, depending on how much sun they get (it rained some last night and is supposed to again over the next few days).

Being the wonderful husband I am, I even cut them and bagged them.  Now, this is definitely the first time I ever did this part of the job.  Brooke usually processes and cans the beans, but that’s right about where I draw the line.  I’ll stem them, since I can watch TV while I do it.  I won’t be canning them, though, so these will remain in the refrigerator until someone comes up here to eat them.

Brooke will return on Thursday night, so I’ll probably go out again and try to pick some more that night and leave them for her to process on Friday.  Considering how many beans were still on the plants, I think she’ll have more than enough to make it worth canning.

As a brief aside, the tomatoes are looking pretty awesome, with a few large ones turning a darker green color.  I imagine we’ll have a pretty huge crop of them in the next few weeks!

Garden Update

We put in a decent amount of time in the garden last week, though Brooke’s been out there most days this week weeding. Needless to say, with a garden this size, it’s almost a full time job if you really want to keep all weeds out of it. For the most part, we’ve just kept weeds out of the western portion of the garden and are letting the corn go, as it’s getting big enough that we can barely get between the rows anymore.

Here’s the second half of the pea crop. Last year, the peas did absolutely nothing, so getting just about two buckets like this is an improvement. Took us longer than expected to shell all of this while watching “Modern Family” last night!

In the future, we’ll probably have to plant peas even sooner. These went in the ground in early May, but it probably needs to go in even sooner, even with the risk of an Iowa frost. Hopefully Meg still loves peas next summer!

The tomatoes are starting to come on, with small little green ones like this on practically every plant (pictured in the top image…we’ve got something like 16 of them, in various varieties). Nothing edible yet, but we’ll have plenty soon enough!

The beans (green ones to the right, soup beans to the left) are doing alright. The plants aren’t all that large yet, but we’ve got buds on the green beans, so they’ll start producing relatively soon. Brooke spaced these rows apart pretty well, so it’s somewhat easy to get in there with a hoe and take care of weeds. And believe you me, we see plenty of weeds between those rows…

The corn got its “tassels” this week, but still isn’t as tall as Brooke’s parents’ corn down in Hannibal. This is our first year trying to grow corn, so anything we get will be a “bonus,” so far as I’m concerned. We’ve got 4 rows that we planted earlier than the two on the right (tassel-less), so hopefully that spreads out the corn harvest a tad bit. We’re starting to see a corn stand or two as you drive around the area, so it appears that other people’s garden crop aren’t too far behind.

This is a “Meg,” growing beneath the broccoli. While Meg is developing pretty well, the broccoli isn’t doing as well as I’d like. We have a row of plants this big, but we only have one plant that we’ve found so far that has any actual broccoli on it. Brooke’s parents had some fresh broccoli off their plants over the July 4th holiday that was wonderful, but ours doesn’t appear to be doing that well.

Regardless, the garden is doing alright. As per last year, the tomatoes will probably do the best out of everything, but we’re starting to see some results from the crop as a whole!

Looking For Improved Growth

Last year’s garden was remarkably successful, considering that we moved to Iowa in early-May and didn’t get much planted until later that month.  In the end, we had a ridiculous number of tomatoes and squash, but good yields of sweet potatoes, carrots, radishes, and green beans (if you count the latter as “good”…).

This year, however, we more than doubled the size of the garden, partially because everything grew too close together last year, but also because we wanted to expand into some different vegetables.  A few weeks ago, we borrowed our land lord’s tiller, which made short work of the existing garden, but also took care of the surrounding area we didn’t take care of last year.  Believe you me, Iowa dirt is quite a bit easier to till through than Missouri dirt.  I think it took me 10 minutes to go over the whole thing, and I did it again the next day just to make sure I got it all.  Since then, I’ve just used a spade fork to “turn over” the dirt and limit growth of weeds.  Then, two weeks ago, Brooke planted peas, broccoli and spinach, which are three things that we either didn’t grow at all last year, or didn’t find much success in growing.

This past weekend, however, we moved on to the other, larger items.  Brooke is pictured above watering tomato and pepper plants, though she also planted a few rows of two-color hybrid sweet corn.  If I recall,  she ended up planting over 20 plants in the plot she’s watering, and the vast majority of those are tomatoes.  Mostly romas, but also some that should make for reasonable sandwiches, etc.  Some of those plants we inherited from my Mom (thanks!), but the others she started in peat pots indoors awhile back.  I mowed the lawn the next day and saved the grass clippings to help surround the individual plants, hopefully limiting the growth of grass (that you can clearly see growing to the right of Brooke, where the broccoli, peas and spinach are).  Brooke also put some milk jugs around the tomato and pepper plants to help protect them as they get bigger.

The only thing(s) I know of yet to go in are the green beans and the soup beans.  Brooke is starting to plant herbs in pots up closer to the house over this next week, now that the temperatures seem like they’ll stay above freezing (finally…).  We’ll probably get everything else planted by Memorial Day, but then we’ve got a large amount of weeding to take care of, especially over by the peas.  We’ve got pea and spinach plants coming up, so it’s easy to identify the weeds around them.  The carrots, however, haven’t popped up yet, so we’ll have to wait for them.

On a side-note, Meg had great fun playing outside while we were doing all this.  I took some pictures while we were outside, as I tend to do when there’s a camera attached to my phone.  She discovered that eating dirt annoys her parents, though, so we’ll have to keep a close eye on her in the future…


I’ve talked about raising chickens for eggs for quite awhile now. We finally have the room, facilities, and time for me to be able to start this enterprise, so I’m REALLY excited! My dad had a flock of chickens when I was a kid that finally met their demise to some rampant dogs when I was in middle school. I never really had much to do with the chickens, but we love to eat eggs and this seems like one more step to the self-sufficient lifestyle that I want to lead. If I can manage to keep these ladies alive and well, and we stay in the house for awhile longer, a couple of milking goats are the next step!

I bought 15 chicks from Orscheln’s Farm and Home in Iowa City on March 9. One of our cars was being serviced, so I had to go pick up Andy from work in Iowa City anyway, so it seemed like a good time to go ahead and pick out my chicks. The flock is 5 Rhode Island Reds, 5 California Whites, and 5 Barred Plymouth Rocks. I’m hoping to end up with 12 laying hens when they’re grown up.

I had my spring break last week, so my goal was to use the time off (and Meg was still going to day care since we had to pay for the week whether we used it or not) to modify an outbuilding into a hen house.  My construction skills are not great and I, apparently, get frustrated really easily, so Andy helped me to finish up on Saturday.  We still need to finish the nesting boxes, roost, and the outdoor run, but the space is usable for the flock to be enclosed in a ring while they get big enough that they won’t be able to escape through the holes in the foundation of the building.  Until their move outside, they were living in a box on our back porch, which made the cat and dog more than a little nervous!

This is the building that I hodgepodged into a hen house.  I didn’t want to spend a lot of money, so I tried to use mostly found wood, but I had to buy most of the wood for the door.  The building has a really cool weather vane on top and a concrete slab to the side, perfect for an outdoor run.  I hope to be able to let the hens “free range” in our yard in the afternoons this summer, but I’ll need to secure the garden first, so they don’t eat our veggies before we get what we need.

R.I.P. Garden

May 2010-October 2010

Last weekend, while my mom was here to take Meg to Target to buy toys, we finished pulling everything out of the garden and turned the dirt over in preparation for the long Iowa winter ahead. I didn’t know what we were really getting into when I planted in May, I just wanted to see what would grow and what wouldn’t so I can really get going next spring. I learned that the dirt is so good here that everything grows monstrously and need twice as much room as I gave it, it’s hard to mow under out of control squash, and cheap tomato cages aren’t worth the 99 cents I spent at all. I’ve ordered my seed catalogs and am looking forward to plotting out next year’s garden plan before I start my seeds inside in a few months!

The Meaning of Efficiency

One of my favorite video game genres is the “Real Time Strategy” game, or “RTS.”  In such a game, you generate resources in order to build units that the allow you to conquer the other player.  Starcraft II is, perhaps, the most recent example of such a game, and one I’ve been playing a great deal of recently, however the Age of Empires series is, perhaps, best-suited for explaining more clearly.  In an RTS like Age of Empires, you start the game with a few units (Villagers) that harvests resources for you, like wood, food, stone and gold.  These four resources help you to produce other Villagers, but also Military units.  When you’re starting out in the Dark Ages, you primarily need food and wood for “Clubmen,” but as you advance toward “Swordsmen,” you need more diverse resources like gold.

These games are generally part of a larger game mechanic called “resource management.”  Basically, you begin a given game with a finite amount of resources and you choose how to spend those resources.  Some of them should go to more resource-generating (e.g. investments), while other resources should go toward the ultimate goal of the game.  It’s up to the player to decide to what degree they go in either direction.  If you want to win quickly, then you pour more resources into building military units so you can take out the other player.  If you want to “tech up” to a more stable position, but take longer doing it, you pour those resources into investments.

As I said, I’ve always liked this kind of game.  But I’ve never been terribly good at it in real life.

Brooke and I have never made huge amount of money, but the move to Iowa cost us a great deal.  Brooke was unemployed for the first 3 months of living here, and she’s still only been able to get work part-time (but that’s going to steadily increase).  That combined with the fact that we have a baby now means that our collective (limited) resources have been directed in other avenues than what we are used to.  Child care alone is a ridiculous, but necessary, cost.  Therefore, we’ve been doing our best to maximize our available resources as best as possible.  With various payments that one has to car loans, student loans, life/auto insurance, etc., that only leaves a relatively small percentage of cash that you can adjust for whatever purpose is required.

A few summers ago, we started with helping limit our energy costs by getting a single-room A/C unit for our bedroom.  That helped save us $100 in a single summer, paying for the A/C unit itself.  We’ve been using it in our house in Iowa now, helping to limit the excess cost of cooling a much larger space than we were dealing with in St. Louis by only cooling our bedroom(s) at night, as opposed to having our central A/C running too heavily.  Thankfully, Iowa summers are substantially cooler than St. Louis summers, and the house is in the shade enough that it rarely heats up to a significant degree.  We’re already talking about ways to limit the amount of propane we’ll use in the relatively harsh Iowa winters, trying to defend against the northwest wind by insulating specific windows.  We’ll probably spend more time upstairs, as the heat will collect there.  We’ll probably try keeping the house cooler than we had it in St. Louis, as well.

We’re also trying to limit travel to some extent.  When we can take Brooke’s Scion xA on longer trips, we’ll take it (37 mpg), but when we need a larger vehicle, we’ll have to use the Sportage (27 mpg).  I’m driving the Sportage to and from work every day and, on those trips, I’m doing my best to stay around 65 mph, as an engine runs most efficiently within that range.  Doing so, I’ve been able to help limit my gas costs to a reasonable degree.  I’ve also started getting up earlier, getting to work around 7:00 am and leaving around 4:00 pm, thereby allowing me to miss the traffic that frequently causes me to speed around people.

Brooke has done an excellent job over the summer growing vegetables and canning them for later months.  We’ve been able to save a pretty decent amount of money on food already, but those savings will continue on into the winter months.  So far, Brooke hasn’t had to buy much solid food for Meg, either, as the carrots and squash she’s been eating were grown in our garden.  Brooke froze down more of it so she can make more in the next few weeks.  As Brooke already posted about the cloth diapers, we’ve already saved a pretty large amount of money over disposables.  Otherwise, we still shop at Aldi, as always, but are making a more concerted effort to limit the “extras” (although, Brooke has already demanded that her ice cream allotment not be limited).

Our entertainment costs have dropped dramatically, as we don’t have cable anymore and our internet connection is fast enough that we can Netflix or stream everything we want.  I’ve seen one movie in theaters this summer and have decreased the number of games I’ve purchased, as well.  We also aren’t going out to eat as often, partially because we have to hold Meg and would rather have her in a high chair or something (which she isn’t…quite…ready…for…).

We’re still looking for improvements, but I think this is a helpful, albeit stressful, experience.  As in RTS games, if you build up your resource-generating units early on, you get a strong economy that can then provide you with better military units later in the game, allowing you to conquer and win.  It takes keen resource management to do this, as you have to be very, very efficient with the military units you do build early in the game, while instead putting those resources into things that can help you later on.

Let’s hope we learn something now, so that we’re prepared for later stages of the game.

A Busy Saturday

Thanks to my recent incessant PBS watching, I found this recipe for whole grain bread from America’s Test Kitchen.  I want to make our sandwich bread, but haven’t seen a recipe I like that’s also easy until now.  This one is definitely a keeper (ATK makes you join to get their recipes, but you can do it for free and get everything from this season if you want!)!

I also picked the first several-tomatoes-at-a-time crop today.  Andy took this shot of some of them in the window sill ripening a little more.  I’ll process them tomorrow, hopefully.

And, for your viewing pleasure, here’s Meg, in her bouncy seat where she spends a lot of time while I’m cooking and whatnot!  You can tell how excited she is about the BLTs we had for dinner.

Garden Monsters

Brooke and I were outside trying to avert the catastrophe that is our tomatoes when Brooke found this thing eating one:

And just to give you more of an idea of how big the thing was, we grabbed a shot of it next to (ish) Brooke’s hand:

Brooke noted that there was a tomato nearby that looked like the evil caterpillar had taken a few bites, but there wasn’t much damage done.  However, considering the size of the thing, you have to wonder if it ate a few whole tomatoes before we got outside and found it.

Anyway, there are apparently giant caterpillar monsters in our garden.  Watch for the SyFy Saturday Night Movie on the subject in the coming months.