Sam, on virtual video…

A video on YouTube titled “Simon’s Cat ‘Cat Man Do.'” Personally, I think it’s about Sam, ’cause that’s what he does… Any morning that he doesn’t have food in his bowl around 5:00-6:00 am, he starts scratching under our door. Never fails. The fluff ball makes me feed him before I go to bed just to ensure that he doesn’t wake me up too early in the morning. This morning, I squirted him with a water bottle…he came back 30 minutes later and started again…

Anyway, this video is an appropriate representation of our cat…enjoy… 😛

The Huckabee Transitive Property

So, for those that don’t watch these shows, here’s the deal:

Over the past few weeks, Stephen Colbert on “The Colbert Report” was taking credit for Mike Huckabee’s success in Iowa (and later primaries) because Huckabee came on his show just before the caucus. Thus, Colbert “made” Huckabee.

Conan O’Brien, on Late Nite with Conan O’Brien, then took credit for “making” Huckabee because he always refers to Chuck Norris in his show, and Norris is a Huckabee supporter…so thus, Conan “made” Huckabee.

Colbert was not happy about this and kept yelling at Conan over the airwaves, and vice versa. Finally, Jon Stewart of “The Daily Show” comes on “The Colbert Report” to show a video where he, when on “The Jon Stewart Show” (MTV) in 1994, introduced the new host of “Late Nite,” Conan O’Brien. Thus, Stewart made Conan, Stewart made Colbert…Stewart made Huckabee.

Apparently, last Friday night, Conan threatened to descend from network television to the depths of cable TV to Comedy Central if Colbert and Stewart brought it up again, after showing evidence that he was actually the doctor that delivered both Colbert and Stewart (a “doctored” photo, of course…yet strangely hilarious…).

Well, of course, Colbert stops by “The Daily Show” at 10:00 to see Stewart, talk about it…and then Conan shows up. They’re gonna fight it out, but Stewart says he has to wait until the end of his show. They wait…but by the time Stewart is done, Colbert has left to start his own show. Stewart and Conan then go on “The Colbert Report.” Of course, Colbert has to finish his show, and by the time he’s done…Conan has to do his show…down the hall…

The battle royale culminates in the video above. Colbert and Stewart get in an all-out brawl on “Late Nite”…and it’s pretty hilarious…

I mean, the video is funny enough without reading all this back-story I just provided…but for those that want to know why they’re fighting…there you go… 😛

P.S. All this stuff I just wrote is on YouTube in different clips, but I didn’t want to post all of it…the above is, by far, the best part…



What does Isaac’s Dad do when he finds out his 15-year-old son is smoking marijuana? He unwraps that new copy of Guitar Hero III that was under the tree and puts it up for sale on eBay, along with a lengthy discussion as to why it’s for sale. Needless to say, Isaac probably isn’t all that pleased… Personally, I find this to be a very creative punishment…but Dad probably should have taken the Wii away, too…

Please note that the “lengthy discussion” is quite amusing…and also, as of today (6:45 pm), this $90 game is going for $224… I think Dad should buy himself something nice…

So, now does the title make sense? Hope so…I was proud of that one…

Update: The auction ended this evening…and I checked at 8:50 pm and it sold… After 42 bids, it went for $9,100.01… All I can say is…wow…


Yeah, this is what we saw when we got home today…

stoopid dog

Yeah…that’s a container of dog food that we had set up for when we take Edie with us to Columbia or Hannibal. The dog opened it. No tooth marks. It’s like she has opposable thumbs…

…this could be bad…she may know how to open doors…

On another note, be sure to stay out of trouble whilst I’m in California, yo… 😛

Patrick Stewart is a genius…

…a genius at life, of course!

I ran across this video of our good friend, Jean-Luc, singing and dancing… If you aren’t a Star Trek fan, you probably won’t find it all that amusing…but if you are, then it’s well worth the watch…

(For the record, this isn’t a new video or anything…just a good reminder…)

Two videos

Two videos brought to my attention, the first by Stu, the second by Kate…

A Japanese game show featuring “human Tetris”…

…and Will Ferrell having a conversation with his landlord…

Turtle vs Cat

Don’t believe me? Well…

For those of us with cats, it’s pretty damned hilarious… Makes me wanna get a video camera and find a turtle for Sam to play with…

Make your own Will Ferrell movie!

Some of you may have already seen this, but I certainly haven’t… It’s the Will Ferrell Movie Generator at, and it’s rather sad how true it is… It even gives you an estimate of opening weekend gross and allows you to pitch the idea to your favorite movie studio…

So, I haven’t seen a “Will Ferrell” movie in awhile…no, I didn’t see “Ricky Bobby,” “Anchorman,” and I certainly haven’t seen “Blades of Glory.” While I’m sure all of these are funny, I’m not sure they’re worth my money…mostly because, as this generator illustrates, they stories tend to be somewhat predictable and pointless.

Funny? Yes. Good movie? Only perhaps… Try the generator and make your own instead… 😛