Since moving in a few weeks ago, I’ve slowly been trying to get all my beer brewing materials moved to their ultimate destination in the basement. One of the perks to living in this house is the double-sink down there, allowing for soaking and cleaning of bottles and other brewing gear without the need to take over the kitchen sink. Unfortunately, however, the sink was clogged up (likely from whatever painting and plastering materials had been cleaned previously in that sink…). Anyway, I think I’ve got it mostly cleaned out, though running water through it over the next few weeks will probably help dislodge whatever’s left in there.
Regardless, I set up our large folding table next to the sink and have stacked most things either on it or under it. I probably need something a bit better for all the bottles, but for now, this will do. I also ran an electrical cord around so I could plug in an old computer stereo set to listen to music and podcasts while working in the basement.
For my birthday this year, Mom and Dad got me an outdoor propane burner and a large, 5 gallon brew pot, which I finally got to use last week. Obviously, I can only use it outside, but I can already tell this is a better way to go than using an electric oven. It’s usually very easy to get a “boil-over” using the electric range, but with gas, it’s very easy to back off with the heat to slow down the boil. Thankfully, it was a beautiful night last week to brew outside. I’m probably not going to be so lucky when I’m out brewing in February, though… 😛
Last, but not least, here’s our first beer in the new place: a Dunkelweizen. It’s still bubbling away downstairs and should be ready for bottling early in the week after Thanksgiving. Brooke’s hard apple cider is already in bottles and should be conditioned well enough by Thanksgiving, however this Dunkelweizen will probably not be aged long enough until Christmas. I think we’ll probably try to get another one fermenting within the next week or so.
Anyway, I’m excited about the new setup. Should make it easier to clean up and get some brewing done without having to get the kitchen cleared up in time for brewing. Hooray, beer!