Year One: Complete

I took my last exam of the year this morning…was pretty obnoxious and relatively hard to tell how we all did. It certainly didn’t start out well, for any of us…So, this test was in my Special Topics class, where we read papers and discuss them and their importance. Last Thursday, we were told we likely weren’t going to have this test. We come in the following Monday to find out that we are having it now, much to our dismay… Anyway, the test was this morning…and it was an oral exam…i.e. the professor points to us, has us walk up to the board, and answer the question(s)… That part sucked royally, but it sucked for most everyone, so it’s not like any one person did that much worse than everyone else.

Regardless, that was it. One year of graduate school down. Three and a half to go. 😛 I’m very much looking forward to getting some research work done over the summer, without having classes to worry about…and I’m looking forward to only having pharmacology/physiology classes to take next semester, rather than having to learn biochemistry, immunology, metabolism, etc. anymore…

I’m also looking forward to, in the short term, doing mostly nothing for a weekend. Next weekend, B and I are going to Columbia for Susan’s wedding (congrats!) and then we’re going back over Memorial Day because Brooke’s aunt is having people over…so yeah, more busy weekends on the way… Hopefully I can concentrate on watching some movies this weekend that I’ve been meaning to…

Either way, classes are done. Now I’m a “Second Year.” w00t!

Help Wanted

I’ve been looking for a job for about 2 months since I decided not to be a teacher and so far haven’t had any luck at all. When I started this search, I gave myself until May 15 to find something and if not, then I need to find a job at Barnes and Noble or something. It’s getting really close to that deadline and I’ve probably applied for about 35 jobs and not heard ANYTHING back from any of them. Now, I’m not applying for jobs that pay a lot or take a lot of experience that I don’t have, so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong or how to find something in the next few days before lowering myself to retail again. Anyway, if anybody out there has any ideas or good connections in Saint Louis, let me know, or at least pray for me and my hunt.

Review: Mission: Impossible III

…went and saw “M:I 3” yesterday, and I must say, it certainly blew the other two out of the water…? While the first one was pretty good (minus the fact that they made Jim Phelps the bad guy…), the second one was a disappointment…turning Ethan Hunt into more of a super-hero/Bond character rather than an intelligent spy from the IMF.

The third installment returns to something more resembling the original formula, where you have some impossible missions thrown in and a team to crack them (in the first movie, the whole team died…in the second, he didn’t have much of a “team”…).? They also add a more personal touch to Hunt’s life, allowing the viewer to connect more with the character, effectively adding more depth and purpose to his being.

The effects were excellent and the direction, carried out by J.J. Abrams, leaves me looking forward to the next Star Trek movie that much more…? While the story was pretty simple (discover bad guy, catch bad guy, lose bad guy, bad guy gets your girl, save girl, etc.), the nice “touches” throughout the movie certainly made it interesting and worth watching.? Spend the cash…it’s worth seeing in theaters…

You Found Me!!

Congratulations! So, new format here…with no jokes I might be more likely to post since the pressure’s off to be funny. But not to worry, if I hear something hilarious, I’ll let you know. Like, Do you know why a chicken coup only has two doors?? Because if it had four, it would be a sedan!

So, if you’re performing…

…just got back from a concert at The Pageant… Ludo was headlining, and Quietdrive and Princeton were opening (and they all did pretty well, for the record…good concert, overall)…but there was this other guy named Adam Richman who started the whole thing. One guy and his guitar. Sounded so emo it hurt… Regardless, he prefaced one song with a comment from someone reviewing his debut album online:

“It sounds like the soundtrack to an ass-raping.”

Seriously, if someone wrote that about your album…would you tell the audience that? I guess it set the tone for the rest of the songs he performed…


So, if you're performing…

…just got back from a concert at The Pageant… Ludo was headlining, and Quietdrive and Princeton were opening (and they all did pretty well, for the record…good concert, overall)…but there was this other guy named Adam Richman who started the whole thing. One guy and his guitar. Sounded so emo it hurt… Regardless, he prefaced one song with a comment from someone reviewing his debut album online:

“It sounds like the soundtrack to an ass-raping.”

Seriously, if someone wrote that about your album…would you tell the audience that? I guess it set the tone for the rest of the songs he performed…



“The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.”

Alfred Hitchcock

I’ve got a test on Monday…seeing “M:I:3” on Monday or Tuesday night, I think… It’s 126 min long…hopefully my bladder can take it…

…so…summer’s gonna rock…

“Superman Returns”…June 30, 2006… Here’s the trailer… The new one came out today, so if you haven’t seen it, you should watch it… Kevin Spacey rules, yo…and, at least according to the trailer, they kept the Christopher Reeve-style music… So, essentially, my summer begins with “X3” on May 26th and ends June 30th…

…yeah…can’t get much better than this…until next year, when “Spider-man 3” comes out, that is… 😉

…so…summer's gonna rock…

“Superman Returns”…June 30, 2006… Here’s the trailer… The new one came out today, so if you haven’t seen it, you should watch it… Kevin Spacey rules, yo…and, at least according to the trailer, they kept the Christopher Reeve-style music… So, essentially, my summer begins with “X3” on May 26th and ends June 30th…

…yeah…can’t get much better than this…until next year, when “Spider-man 3” comes out, that is… 😉