

What does Isaac’s Dad do when he finds out his 15-year-old son is smoking marijuana? He unwraps that new copy of Guitar Hero III that was under the tree and puts it up for sale on eBay, along with a lengthy discussion as to why it’s for sale. Needless to say, Isaac probably isn’t all that pleased… Personally, I find this to be a very creative punishment…but Dad probably should have taken the Wii away, too…

Please note that the “lengthy discussion” is quite amusing…and also, as of today (6:45 pm), this $90 game is going for $224… I think Dad should buy himself something nice…

So, now does the title make sense? Hope so…I was proud of that one…

Update: The auction ended this evening…and I checked at 8:50 pm and it sold… After 42 bids, it went for $9,100.01… All I can say is…wow…

So true…


You know, normally, I’d be rather annoyed by the on-going Writer’s Strike, especially for the reason(s) outlined in the final panel above (click on it to actually read the thing…a bit small above, eh?)… However, considering that I’ve needed to study for the past, oh, month, it’s been more on the “tough love” side of things…giving me little to do at night except read through a paper.

On the other hand, now that I should be done with studying (for the most part) this Wednesday, I’ll be looking for things to entertain me… I’ll get most of that from “Super Mario Galaxy,” as I’ve put off buying it until after my Prelim (so I wouldn’t be distracted), but at this rate, I won’t have new TV shows to watch until, oh, March… (Thankfully, I have been promised new episodes of “Monk,” “Psych” and “Stargate: Atlantis” beginning in early-January. I hope those episodes keep coming and don’t disappear after a month or two…)

Mixed blessing? Perhaps…

Your TV writers @ work…

While I hate not having “The Daily Show” to watch every night, due to the writer’s strike, this video helps put it in a bit of perspective…perhaps better than I’ve heard it explained before… This video was made by “Daily Show” writers regarding the strike…~4 min long…

Arguably, it’s a good thing that “The Daily Show” isn’t on, otherwise I’d have to watch it…instead of study for this silly Prelim……


Yeah, this is what we saw when we got home today…

stoopid dog

Yeah…that’s a container of dog food that we had set up for when we take Edie with us to Columbia or Hannibal. The dog opened it. No tooth marks. It’s like she has opposable thumbs…

…this could be bad…she may know how to open doors…

On another note, be sure to stay out of trouble whilst I’m in California, yo… 😛


Yeah, so The Daily Show has a new site, apart from Comedy Central… Now, there are free videos from the past 8 years available, and searchable. If you want to look up all interviews that Jon Stewart has had with Bill Clinton, have at it. If you want to look up all the classic “Even Stevphen” sketches, they’re there.

Above, I’ve got the best Lewis Black “Back In Black”…it’s well worth it…especially because Starbucks is about as evil as Microsoft…

Anyway, check out the site if you want…actually, check it out anyway…whether you want to or not…

Patrick Stewart is a genius…

…a genius at life, of course!

I ran across this video of our good friend, Jean-Luc, singing and dancing… If you aren’t a Star Trek fan, you probably won’t find it all that amusing…but if you are, then it’s well worth the watch…

(For the record, this isn’t a new video or anything…just a good reminder…)

Two videos

Two videos brought to my attention, the first by Stu, the second by Kate…

A Japanese game show featuring “human Tetris”…

…and Will Ferrell having a conversation with his landlord…

Turtle vs Cat

Don’t believe me? Well…

For those of us with cats, it’s pretty damned hilarious… Makes me wanna get a video camera and find a turtle for Sam to play with…