My Dream Just Might Come True…

Winter food drop spurs wildlife visits

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Homeowners in the Ozarks are being warned against leaving food outdoors because of the danger of luring hungry bears onto their property.

In urban areas like Kansas City where there isn’t a danger of bears, residents could see a sharp increase in the number of mice that invade their homes.

A freeze in April and drought in August have stifled the nut, fruit and seed production on many plants and trees, experts say. That means more wildlife than usual will be forced out of fields and into people’s yards looking for food.

“With mice, people better get ready for them this winter,” said Alan Branhagen, horticulture manager at Powell Gardens east of Kansas City. “They’re going to want inside the house because the food crop is so bad.”

In the Ozarks, black bears that typically gorge on acorns to prepare for hibernation will have to look elsewhere for nourishment because the nuts will be scarce. The white oaks that provide food for the bears and other wildlife such as turkeys, squirrels and songbirds, didn’t produce a crop.

On top of that, papaw trees that usually produce a soft fruit that ripens in early autumn and is eaten by many times of wildlife didn’t do so this year.

“We’re probably seeing more animals such as raccoons and possums out and about scavenging for food in the park,” said Conrad Schmitt, director of the Lakeside Nature Center in Kansas City’s Swope Park.

For bird watchers, however, the lack of food in nature could mean a big increase in the number of birds that flock to feeders.

That doesn’t necessarily mean a surge in the most-typical birds that are seen at feeders, said Larry Rizzo, a natural-history biologist for the Missouri Department of Conservation. But there should be more birds such as robins, cedar waxwings, bluebirds and mockingbirds that usually rely heavily on fruits in the winter, he said.

“When you have less food available, birds will push into the feeders quicker than usual,” said Mark McKellar, an ornithologist who operates a feeder supply store and tracks bird trends. “We’re already seeing it this fall.”

Sling Wing!!!

Ok, when we were kids, we played with these contraptions, thanks to my Uncle Bob’s brother.  They’re called Sling Wings and until a few weeks ago, I thought everybody had them, but apparently, they weren’t that well known outside of the Poor family.  Anyway, Mom found one in the garage and brought it to me when Rachel came to visit this weekend, so we headed to the park with the dog to show Andy how real kids have fun…here are the results of this outing:11.JPG


If you look closely, you can see it in flight (it’s yellow…with red, blue, and silver stickers, in case you were wondering).


Me, imitating the Sling Wing.


Rachel.  You use a rubber band to shoot the styrofoam piece like a sling shot.


Andy gives it a try.


Something was funny…


I shot myself and bled…I’m cool like that!


Last, but not least, Edie.

I’ll now take orders…I’m sure Bob will give me the patent…you know you all want some!!


Yeah, I know probably no one is left who looks at this, but I hate failure and am desperate….anyway, I’m trying to learn to crochet and am miserable at it. Anyone know of a good crochet-er in St. Louis who can teach me what I’m doing wrong?

Mallory's First Beer

I’ve been transferring all of the home videos my parents took when we were little from VHS to DVD and came across this once, which is hIlarious (yeah, I meant to capitalize the I). To watch the video, you have to right click on the link and then “Save As” – it won’t just play if you click on the link. Enjoy!
Mallory Video

Edit: The file should work now!!!  Try it again!!!

Mallory’s First Beer

I’ve been transferring all of the home videos my parents took when we were little from VHS to DVD and came across this once, which is hIlarious (yeah, I meant to capitalize the I). To watch the video, you have to right click on the link and then “Save As” – it won’t just play if you click on the link. Enjoy!
Mallory Video

Edit: The file should work now!!!  Try it again!!!


So, today we visited Andy’s grandma in Lohman, and when we got back to our apartment there was a message on the machine from Barry at Bridges, offering me the job that he originally thought would be open in April, as a Coordinator.  So, now I will be in charge of about 10 staff and all of their paperwork, hiring and firing them, and making sure they’re doing all of the things they need to do for their clients as of the 22nd.  I’m really excited about my promotion before I’ve even started and can’t wait to get going, even though I still have 8 days left at HTC.  Hopefully, the next 2 weeks will go by without incident and I’ll have more news for you soon!


Well, it looks that way, anyway. So, I had a spur-of-the-moment interview today with a company called Bridges Community Support Services. It went really well, and at the end of the conversation, the CEO/owner offered me a job as a Community Support Worker. Basically, I’ll be going into mentally and physically disabled people’s homes to make sure that they’re safe, healthy, organized, and successful. So far, the position sounds nearly perfect (except for a small pay cut)….but at this point, just about anything would be better than DYS. The guy I met with today was really nice and seems genuinely interested in putting people who want to make a difference into jobs where they can do so. There’s also a pretty good chance of advancement pretty quickly, which is also a huge improvement over where I am now. So, I’ll be starting as soon as I have a starting date and can give my notice at Hillsboro Treatment Center. Let the questions begin…

Don't hold your breath…

…but keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for me.  I’m hopefully closer to a good change than I’ve been so far (as long as my assumption that mentally handicapped people are easier to deal with than delinquents!).  Oh, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Don’t hold your breath…

…but keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for me.  I’m hopefully closer to a good change than I’ve been so far (as long as my assumption that mentally handicapped people are easier to deal with than delinquents!).  Oh, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


1. I found porn two nights in a row in the parking lot at work.

2. We’re moving in 20 days.

3. Even though it’s only November, a Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cake can put any one in the Christmas spirit.

4. Good old HHS didn’t win the 4A State Football Championship, but at least they’re second.

5. Only one more week of working the 4-12 shift!