Chicks! …again!!

Backyard chickens, take two. Minus the foxes.
This year’s flock: 2 Cinnamon Queens, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 White Rock, and 1 Production Red.

*We bought these chicks at local farm stores (well, as local as farm stores can be to St. Louis City), not directly from the hatchery, but these breed descriptions are good!

4 Replies to “Chicks! …again!!”

  1. I bet there are a lot fewer foxes in Saint Louis.

    Our neighbors dog periodically chases a huge raccoon away from our coop, and I see the occasional possum near the house. Both would love to destroy my egg laying operation, I’m certain.

    Have fun with the chicks. I hope “Linsenbaby” enjoys them.

    1. We’ve definitely seen opossums and raccoons around here, and some housecats. The only animals I’ve seen in the yard, however, are rabbits. I think Edie is doing a good enough job of spreading her scent around for animals to know they should steer clear…hopefully that keeps up until we get a coop up…

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