Happy Birthday To Me…

Car Window......BustedSo…..I woke up Saturday morning to my driver’s side windows both being smashed out.  Our cars are always parked on the street, so it’s really not all that surprising, but not how I expected to spend my Saturday morning.  So, I made the police report, settled everything with the insurance company, and have new windows, but this morning I had to drive to Chesterfield to have an estimate made of the damages to the inside from the glass and rain.  As far as I know, the punks (or “knuckleheads” according to the officer who took my report) have been apprehended and are being charged with breaking the windows out of multiple cars.

As far as this blog goes, my plan is to try to update more frequently since I feel like I consume an awful lot of internet information without putting anything back out there, so I’m trying to even out my kharma a little. And I needed another good reason to purchase our Nikon D60 and this seemed like a good enough one!  Comment often and enjoy!

3 Replies to “Happy Birthday To Me…”

  1. WOW! and I thought taking Rachel’s car out joyriding was bad! Sure sorry about this episode.
    But anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yes, I do remember what I was doing 26 years ago!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Brooke. Andy told me about the knuckleheads… what a bunch of d-bags. I’m trying to get better at photography, so if you are so compelled, any photography tips and tricks would be a cool idea. I have a pretty decent camera (Canon PowerShot S1 IS 3.2 MP), but I can’t take a decent picture to save my life! I’ve resorted to mostly using the P function (auto aperture & auto shutter speed), which is basically Auto with a few manual options (as I’m sure you’re aware). I’d love to upgrade to a digital SLR one day, but not until I master the basics. I have 2 books on photography collecting dust. So, if you post photographs, you should also post with it the histogram information 🙂 My wife Tina just bought a new camera, a 12 MP Sony CyberShot. Although just a snapshot camera, 12 MP pictures come out so crisp compared to my old 3.2 MP camera. Anyway, just some thoughts. Glad to hear your insurance helped to get the windows back in working order.

    Oh, thanks to Mike Tyson for the cool WordPress theme. I look forward to seeing him in The Hangover…. 🙂


  3. Brookie, I’m so excited you’re blogging again! I put this on my bookmarks toolbar, so I expect frequent posts 😀

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