The State of Network News

You know, it’s very telling about the state of news and news anchors as a whole when Jon Stewart is considered the most trusted, taking the mantle from Walter Cronkite (and that’s the way the question was phrased: “Now that Walter Cronkite has passed on, who is America’s most trusted newscaster?”). In a recent Time Magazine poll, Jon Stewart was ranked most trusted among the primary network news anchors.

Jon Stewart – 44%
Brian Williams – 29%
Charles Gibson – 19%
Katie Couric – 7%

Honestly, if I’ve got the news on at 5:30 (and I do many nights of the week), I’ve got it on CBS, for the most part because that’s the network my parents and grandparents always watched. Personally, I don’t think Couric is doing all that bad of a job, but that said, I get more news from Jon Stewart than many other sources. At the very least, especially compared with the cable news networks (read: MSNBC, Faux News, etc.), Stewart wears his bias on his sleeve. You know where he stands. And he’s probably the best interviewer on television, both with Republicans and Democrats. He isn’t out to get the big story. He just wants to ask you well-considered questions that you probably won’t be asked by the other networks.

Anyway, I found it pretty amusing…

Edit: Please note that there were a little over 9000 votes, when I posted this, total in that poll. If you click the “next” button, you are taken to the next poll on Time Magazine online…which tells us Bing is better than Google…mostly according to Iowa… Apparently, this (these?) poll(s) should be taken with a metric ton of salt…

The Man

I had a few requests for an explanation of “The Man,” so here you go:

I’m not really sure where he came from, but a couple of years ago, The Man appeared at my parents’ house. I’m thinking that he was atop a birthday cake and then was stuck in a drawer somewhere since my mom rarely throws things away that she thinks she or someone she know will have a future use for. Anyway, when he came out of hiding, one of my sisters decided it would be a great idea to attach him to a 4th of July rocket and send him flying. So, we did. Over. And over. And over. It was hilarious and an adventure to track him and the rocket down after each launch. This year when I was there for the driveway fireworks show, The Man got caught up in a pine tree by the road so my dad had to go rescue him the next day. You can read my mom’s comment from a couple of days ago to see what happened after I came back to St. Louis, but there’s the story!

I was doing so well…

…until I fell off the wagon and stopped blogging. More is on the way, I promise. I just have to get around to sorting through some pictures and I’ll have a plethora of funny stuff for you. Luckily, this week is way less busy than the last few, so while I’m looking for the pineapple in every episode of Psych, I’ll sort through some stuff I scanned!

Thanks, Rabbi…

…so, I pick up 3 CSA shares every Tuesday for our clients so that they can get a little closer to where their food comes from and eat at least an occasional healthy meal.  Yesterday, I picked up this:

csa-63009You might not be able to see them, but there are three bags of peas in there.  While I was loading up my produce, a lady asked Rabbi Brad, who was in charge, where peas come from.  His response?  “I don’t know, a pea tree?”

After three seasons…

…of 30 Rock, we have some new catch phrases:


“What the what?”

“I want to go to there…”

liz-lemon-pictureThanks Liz Lemon!

“Candy bar in my pants?”

ha! it’s great that when things aren’t going so great at work, there’s always something to brighten the day! please keep my client ph’s family in your prayers (or whatever you do to send good thoughts).

A pretty good day!


My woot! shirt came and I finished the first of two 5-week ACT Prep sessions for the summer. Hooray for cheap shirts and easy money!!

I laughed so hard I cried…

…but I can’t tell you about it because it would be a HIPAA violation, so you’ll just have to trust me that my job is quite often rather hilarious.  Other than that, not a lot going on right now.  I need to keep the camera out more often so I have more blog fodder!