The Man

I had a few requests for an explanation of “The Man,” so here you go:

I’m not really sure where he came from, but a couple of years ago, The Man appeared at my parents’ house. I’m thinking that he was atop a birthday cake and then was stuck in a drawer somewhere since my mom rarely throws things away that she thinks she or someone she know will have a future use for. Anyway, when he came out of hiding, one of my sisters decided it would be a great idea to attach him to a 4th of July rocket and send him flying. So, we did. Over. And over. And over. It was hilarious and an adventure to track him and the rocket down after each launch. This year when I was there for the driveway fireworks show, The Man got caught up in a pine tree by the road so my dad had to go rescue him the next day. You can read my mom’s comment from a couple of days ago to see what happened after I came back to St. Louis, but there’s the story!

6 Replies to “The Man”

  1. fascinating! You and your sisters come up with some crazy ideas sometimes! Hope he lives to fly again next year………..

  2. I have not been home for the 4th of July in many years…this should give you a clue on who the idea came from…

  3. me too!! I keep checking and there is nothing new!! and there REALLY IS something new. Maybe soon we will get daily reports???

  4. Me three! Daily details, please! I would like to live vicariously through you and learn everything I will need to know when it’s our time!

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