
Yeah, this is what we saw when we got home today…

stoopid dog

Yeah…that’s a container of dog food that we had set up for when we take Edie with us to Columbia or Hannibal. The dog opened it. No tooth marks. It’s like she has opposable thumbs…

…this could be bad…she may know how to open doors…

On another note, be sure to stay out of trouble whilst I’m in California, yo… 😛

3 Replies to “No…seriously…”

  1. Maybe Sam ‘helped’ Edie?? And I wonder how many people get the ‘she may know how to open doors’ comment??

    Actually, Edie is pretty good at going THROUGH doors! I’m not sure about opening them. tee hee hee!!

  2. Based on my experiences with cats and dogs, it’s likely that the cat framed the dog and the dog has no idea what is happening.

  3. This is likely. Sam and Edie have been fighting a bit recently – perhaps this is his way of getting rid of the other animal in the house…

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