
So, I’m getting a bit bored with my old WordPress theme, so I’m looking around for other options… This one is called Mandigo and seems to have plenty of options, including a 1024 px setting, rather than simply 800 px (i.e. it fills the screen now…). I have yet to figure out how to really streamline all the links to the right-hand side of the blog, however, so I’ll have to toy with that…

Look okay? Or is the old one better? This one is “widget-enabled,” which theoretically allows me to add some nifty plugins (like a plugin that will randomly rotate photos from my Picasa site…).

Anyway, we’ll see…maybe I’ll switch back…but for now, I’m giving it a try… I’m sure you all care tremendously… 😛

5 Replies to “Changes?”

  1. Disable whatever is causing that pink color to show up. It’s _really_ distracting. (and not because it’s pink).

    You should try the 800px layout of this theme and see what it looks like. Alternately, add a sidebar or something to keep your paragraphs from being so long laterally. It makes it more difficult to read

  2. Why the pink one? The actually pink CSS file, or the header? Remember, Andy only sees “reds” so well… 😛 Also, so far as the “lateral length” goes, is that true for the main page, or just for the “post” pages (where you can make comments)? I noticed that the sidebar disappears and the text then spans the entire 1024 px distance… It doesn’t look all that long to me on the main page, but what do I know…

    I can (supposedly) add a third column on this theme, but haven’t yet… I’ll mess with it this afternoon, likely…I’ve gotta go play with some chemists this morning…

  3. The actual pink css file – the one that causes some of the text inline to be a bright, obnoxious color. 🙂

    And now I’m not sure – I swear the sidebar wasn’t there earlier this morning. It looks ok now.

  4. You’re right, the sidebar wasn’t there this morning in the single-post view… I found a check-box within the theme manager to add that in… It did look weird without it 😛

    And what…you don’t like pink!? Brooke may have to hurt you… 😛

  5. I have nothing against the actual shade of light called pink, but I do have something against light-colored text on a white background.

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