Review: The Da Vinci Code

Brooke and I saw “The Da Vinci Code” last night (for free, incidentally), and I must say that it was pretty good.? For some reason, I knew I’d like it in the end, despite what many reviewers were saying…but having read the book (Brooke read it twice, even…) and watched plenty of TV shows over the past year dealing with some of the issues brought up in the story, I was interested in seeing it on the big screen, putting a visual to the words in the book.

The movie, overall, was pretty well done, I thought.? I’d say it stuck with the book a good 90% of the time.? There were many times I thought that the words spoken on screen were taken directly from the book, as well as the transitions from scene to scene…but there were some other times where Ron Howard took a few “liberties,” especially in the specifics of the ending…but none of these changes were particularly distracting, unlike a movie I saw last Christmas…? I especially liked the way Howard added some digital effects so that we could see what was going through Langdon’s mind as he tried to crack the various codes…

Anyway, I thought it was a good movie.? From the perspective of someone who read the book and was interested in the subject matter, it was good.? If you haven’t read the book, or if you’re expecting some glorified action movie, then you may not…? It did have some suspenseful moments, but no truly crazy car chases or gun fights…although, there was a lot of running…

“The Da Vinci Code” is simply another good reason why you shouldn’t trust the critics in all matters…not that I do…ever…? 😛