Isn't it ironic…

…dontcha think?

“Any system of thought that denies or seeks to explain away the overwhelming evidence for design in biology is ideology, not science.” — Cardinal Christoph Schanborn

That quote comes from an article posted at New Scientist, submitted by Steve Hosack.

I’m not even going to comment on this except to say that the irony of the statement is staggering and ignorant. I’m very glad I’m not Catholic… šŸ˜›

5 Replies to “Isn't it ironic…”

  1. The basis of my comment above was that the quote specifically says “explain away the overwhelming evidence for design in biology is ideology.” It is “ideology” that is serving as “evidence” for design in biology, at least, what the Cardinal considers to be evidence. Just as in the (misguided, worthless, etc.) Lee Strobel book, many use evidence-by-non-evidence to explain their position. It’s just ironic that Sch?nborn is saying that science is being ideological and not scientific, not vice versa.

    As far as what I think on the matter, I’m not quite sure, specifically. I can very easily say that the liklihood of everything coming together in perfect harmony is very, very slim and it is much easier to assume and believe that a higher being made it all happen. At the same time, however, as a trained scientist, I also find it difficult to allow people to use what they call “scientific evidence” to explain their viewpoint. I’d be much more comfortable going with a “simple faith” explanation, rather than “well, it just has to be because you guys can’t prove us wrong…even though, er, we can’t “prove” it either…”

    Does that make any sense? I guess a lot of my comments/readings of late have been questioning since, I guess, I’m trying to figure it out, too. However, like a good scientist, I’m trying to take in all the evidence, rather than just going on the one-sided viewpoint that many Christians (and, conversely, many scientists…but not as many, in my opinion…) go with. “Blind faith” is not the way to go on this one. At least, I can’t do it that way.

  2. makes sense.
    I just, as im sure you do too, find it hard to cope when the two views are entirely seperated and never are able to be seen as co-existant (Science and God, that is). As I’ve said before, we live by rules of nature.. laws of physics.. we can get a handle on those with numbers and experiments.. and even though we cant get a handle on the guy that made those laws or rules come about, doesn’t mean we should divorce the two.. only means we can’t get a handle on him.

    So don’t quantify God and don’t have faith in science, but certainly do step back quite often and look at their relationship.

    OF course, some will simply want to stick with science, and some with God, and this is fine.. but if your not willing to look at them both every now and then– then don’t try to destroy the other one.

  3. oh– and the “you” references are generic.. im not yelling at andy. I don’t think he’s the one with it all wrong.

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