Stoopid the Pat Robertson…

“Brooke…well, I checked the news tonight…Pat Robertson wasn’t killed…”
— Andy Linsenbardt

So yeah, this guy has been pissing me off lately… First of all, John Stewart (“The Daily Show”) did a little news bit (click on the “Prayback Time” link on this page) showing Robertson on “The 700 Club” praying that more Supreme Court justices are “removed” from office so that more conservative forces can take over…saying that the Supreme Court justices as they stand today are the “number one threat to America today.” Secondly, I was watching “Today” on NBC this morning and they mention that Robertson yesterday called for the assassination of the Venezuelan president because he’s looking to allow Communism into his country.

The actual quote:

“You know, I don’t know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we’re trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it,” Robertson said. “It’s a whole lot cheaper than starting a war … and I don’t think any oil shipments will stop.”

Seriously…what the heck… The man was praying for the deaths, ailment or retirement of Supreme Court justices on national television. This doesn’t really send a good message about prayer, no? …and suggesting that we knock off someone in another country that is (currently) not even threatening ours? Is he going to call for the assassinations of the leaders in India and China because they are Hindu/Buddhist instead of Christian? Obviously they’re terrible people because they don’t believe the same things we do, I guess… Good thing Pat Robertson is around to make these suggestions. I don’t know what we’d do without him around.

Here’s a great site about him… 😉

5 Replies to “Stoopid the Pat Robertson…”

  1. Yes…yes he does…and Lauren, that “televangelist” is, indeed, Pat Robertson: making Christians look like pompus pricks since 1930.

  2. The good news is Pat Robertson is mostly insane, so he can more or less be ignored.

    …Until he starts arming his congregation, then we gotta worry.

  3. Haha they talked about this in the political psych class I TA for. Unfortunately I couldn’t be there. I must add that (I think) he later denied that he called for assasination and then admitted and apologized for it.
    I tried to watch that show after this controversy, I got so frustrated that I was motivated to do homework – that doesn’t happen too much.

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