God vs Evolution

“There are gaps in science everywhere. Are we to fill them all with divinity? There were gaps in Newton’s universe. They were ultimately filled by Einstein’s revisions. There are gaps in Einstein’s universe, great chasms between it and quantum theory. Perhaps they are filled by God. Perhaps not. But it is certainly not science to merely declare it so.”
— Charles Krauthammer, Time Magazine, August 8, 2005

I posted another essay posted in the “Articles” section above…check it out…

There seem to have been more than a few articles about this subject over the past few weeks. There’s a show that’s going to be on the History Channel on August 7th called “Ape to Man: The Evolution of Evolution,” indicating that interest in the subject is still as strong as ever.

We talked about teaching intelligent design (……creationism…) in our public schools in my Evolutionary Thought class this past semester and came to the conclusion, much like anyone who knows anything about science, that it’s a dumb idea. It’s one thing to teach it in a Catholic high school, but to teach it in our public schools is entirely wrong. What happened to a separation of church and state?

Anyway, it’s a good essay…check it out…

4 Replies to “God vs Evolution”

  1. This is not Mark…it’s Diana. As a former science major as well as a Christian, it all boils down to faith. The older I get, the more I have to rely on faith as I see things that cannot be explained by anyone.
    By the way, thanks for the pictures. I have put them in a book for grandmas to choose from and for me to SHOW OFF!

  2. Just remember, it’s separation of church and state…NOT separation of church FROM state.

  3. Ok, so I just read the Time article myself…and while I understand my mom, I’m pretty sure that she would also agree that Andy and the article are trying to say that just because a certain group of people, that may or may not include the teachers/administrators at a school, believe something doesn’t mean that that information has to be transmitted as truth to children who are not able to differentiate between fact and belief. For example, just because I think that Harry Truman was completely justified in using the atomic bomb in Japan, I should not only give my future middle school students my perspective on history, but also explain why many people believe that Truman’s actions were pointless and cruel. Students, even those in high school rely only on the information given to them by textbooks, teachers-and as the article in last week’s Time about teenagers points out- even parents, so if all three of these are biased, what is our education system and knowledge base going to be worth? So, basically, while I understand our inate desire to be able to explain everything in some form or another, maybe it’s time to teach kids how to theorize for themsleves and form their own opinions based on SEVERAL points of view rather than teaching in black or white.

  4. Unfortunately, the parents role, which should be paramount has diminished radically over the past generation. Yes, I agree that as in many other topics, creation should be given as a theory. The kids should then take this information home and the parents should talk about how as a family unit, steer them in the direction as what they believe. Again, this family morality has deteriated. I remember either Brooke or Mallory saying years ago that they were one of the few families that ate together regularly. When do parents talk to their children if not at dinner? We just purchased a new vehicle that has a DVD player. Rachel spends most of our trips now watching something. I am hoping the newness of this will soon wear off.

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