Of Star Trek and Christianity…

“If his words hold wisdom and his philosophy is honorable, what does it matter if he returns? What is important is that we follow his teachings. Perhaps the words are more important than the man.”
— Kahless, ST: TNG

In the episode “Rightful Heir” of Star Trek: TNG, religious leaders clone their Jesus-type character, called Kahless (they’re Klingons…w00t…), in order to speed up his prophesized return. He finds out he’s a clone later and says the above quote…I thought it was very appropriate to Christians in today’s day and age…especially the more conservative ones…

Ironically, I drove by Woodcrest earlier today, where on their sign I see: “Where one visit can change the way you view church.” I have long disliked this church and many “mega churches” like it because what they call “church” becomes more of a production and presentation, rather than an opportunity for learning, communing and fellowship. Granted, I’m all about contemporary worship, but there’s a fine line where the congregation begins to expect entertainment rather than the true purpose of worship.

2 Replies to “Of Star Trek and Christianity…”

  1. At first I was confused about this. Then I think I decided it meant stop ranting of Jesus’ return and think more about what he stood for/ is saying for you to do, kind of? no?

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